If Vince pays him he will, you remember him jobbing to Goldberg in 90 seconds for that checkBrock aint putting him over
If Vince pays him he will, you remember him jobbing to Goldberg in 90 seconds for that checkBrock aint putting him over
(as Josh Matthews) What's "Maintenance" Benny Ortega doing in the Impact Zone?Finally.... Impact has their star
Maintenance lol(as Josh Matthews) What's "Maintenance" Benny Ortega doing in the Impact Zone?
Realhero is saying that he's going to the WWE. That it was an open secret at Fale's after-party.
If Vince pays him he will, you remember him jobbing to Goldberg in 90 seconds for that check
I honestly wonder if this will play any effect at all. At least if he's working AEW it leaves the door open for him to still have playtime with Ibushi and not work nearly as often as a WWE schedule would make him.He's gonna be a full timer for Kota's research institute
It would be horrible for him to go to AEW...it'd be the same damn matches we've already seen...there are plenty of fresh matchups for him in the E...
I'm assuming that if Omega signs with the WWE, it'll be a safe bet that he's going to be the result of this Vince/Shane/AJ Styles storyline
AEW is NJPW USAThink about this if kenny omega is done with njpw why sign eith aew when they want a partnership with njpw and roh...