it's not one yet coz it's too soon but yes, it will definitely go down as a modern day classic, just like mbdtf in a few yearshe made a classic without there help why would he need them now

it's not one yet coz it's too soon but yes, it will definitely go down as a modern day classic, just like mbdtf in a few yearshe made a classic without there help why would he need them now
whos verse u think nikkaz remember more??
Ill wait................
best comment I've seen in this threadshould be a good album than
Yes, I am 14, but it's you who's in fact the moron, and I'll always be light years more mature than you. Need I remind you, It's you--not me--in here quoting completely random people left and right, like a moron; bringing up age surveys that have nothing to do with anything, like a moron; trying to start shyt, like a moron and actively participating in what would indeed be a "stan war," like a moron, yet you accuse me of wielding (not "weilding", you old bum whore) a saber for Drake?
You think mental age can be identified by how "coolly" you end a post? Are you a retarded person?
detroit devil 3 said:... yet you accuse me of wielding (not "weilding"
hey guys while you're at it why don't you make sure there's no other spelling errors in the thread?Professor Polo said:*"Then" you fuucking idiot
Oh lawd... so its a popularity contest?
I'm a fan of both dudes. They nice. But Drake was playing catch up.
Nah drake murdered him... when i think poetic justice I think Drake's verse before i do kdot's
Drake laid down a better more memorable verse..simple as dat