I think Kendrick is versatile, one of the most versatile but nah not as versatile as Drake imo. Imo Kendrick is versatile within his (large) comfort zone, while Drake nearly lacks a comfort zone like Kanye. That's why on a track like fukkin Problems which is not your normal Kendrick Lamar song he sounds like a normal rapper, instead of the illest out while Drake sounds just as dope whatever type of track, subject, beat etc he's spitting over.
The only zone where Drake can't (won't) go is the aggressive route. I don't know if it's cause he's soft, a comfortable, balanced, jewish childhood etc but he can still show emotion in mad different ways.
Now this factor is not very relevant since both of them basically are new artists..
I'll chalk it up to difference of opinion.
I'd say dudes like Cole and Kendrick easily outclass drake as far as versatility.
Though they'd have a tough time competing with him in the arena's he excels at specifically writing songs about women, fame and money.
Something I would he's far more familiar with than his peers.
Kendrick Lamar - A.D.H.D - YouTube
Stevie kills it at the end of that track with the harmonica
I see people still trying to put restrictions on an art form. Trying to lock it in a box when art (music) can be anything. There's no real rap and fake rap or none of that bullshyt. It's just people expressing their thoughts through rhymes and instrumentals. You can't say "Oh that's not rap" it's all music stop trying to be some gatekeeper, if a song goes it goes.
Then people wanna get at Drake for being this or that

you wouldn't know half that shyt if the net didn't exist. Some of your favorite old-school rappers were probably some cornballs you'll never know though cause of publicists and nostalgia. I'm just a fan of music, these dudes aren't superhero idols to me so what they do outside of that is irrelevant.
People get at drake because he isn't sh1t like most of the dudes that get praise on here.
He isn't remotely like :
Whether it's "race"(jewish mother,black father), upbringing (grew up wealthy) or even his style of music
(more so R&B than Hip Hop).
I see people still trying to put restrictions on an art form. Trying to lock it in a box when art (music) can be anything. There's no real rap and fake rap or none of that bullshyt. It's just people expressing their thoughts through rhymes and instrumentals. You can't say "Oh that's not rap" it's all music stop trying to be some gatekeeper, if a song goes it goes.
The thing that annoys me most about Hip Hop fans is bullsh1t like this though.
If a dude makes music that doesn't even remotely resemble Hip hop as we know it
do we just call it Hip Hop because it's a dope song ?
It's not like Hip Hop can be just any old thing, we've got 30 years of history to
compare that sh1t too and all of the music it's based off of.
A lot of records dude has done since he's blown up barely pass for "Hip Hop" and wouldn't
sound out of place on a Justin Timberlake,Ryan Leslie, or Dream album.
What's funny to me is the same cats that give Drake a pass would turn their noses up at El-P, Saul Williams,Death Grips or some other experimental group.