I know the Internet is a big place filled with millions of users daily. But he might be the WOAT poster on the entire internet and I don't even think it's a stretch to say that,
Combine all the pseudo-intellectual bullshyt. With him getting caught doing some bullshyt every other week. To labeling himself "negronapoleon" on reddit, to him being an Indian win no job that's pretending to be black. And then on top of it all, still expect people to value any opinion you have when you have a shytload of
tales to tell us no one should.
He might be the WOAT poster on the Internet. And that's including the racist fat nerds that sleep with buckets of mayonnaise by their bedtime and wake up to troll the Internet and play World Of Warcraft.
From his transparent political views, to having an extensive vocabulary yet never saying anything of substance and using your extensive vocabulary in attempt to overshadow your lack of actual intelligence, to posting here all day yet claim you're a biologist, who somehow finds time to have multiple reddit accounts, a KTT accounts, and other sites her definitely involves himself with. He might be the WOAT poster on the entire Internet.
To even be In the running for that is absolutely disgraceful.