I wouldn't go as far as this fate of rap is in play take but I do agree that Kendrick and Drake represent each side of rap music.
I usually don't but I've watched some youtube reactions to both latest disses and youtubers were usually bopping and vibing to Drake's track while they had to sit and listen to pay attention to Kendrick's lyrics (granted MTG ain't a track to bop to

I feel the rap fans who grew up with the genre or went to college in the 2010s do not value lyrics as much as they do beats and flows. In a sense, they see rap more as pop music that you can enjoy because the beats and the flows carry a song efficiently.
That's how I explain the popularity of Drake, Future, Gunna, Thug, Duck, YoungBoy and others who are nice with melodies but don't really rap (to me at least). It also feels like this sentiment has now taken over most media/publications.
Most reactors were like "I don't know who's winning !" even though they all acknowledged MTG cut way deeper. And I'm sitting there like how is it a tie then ???