Also singing the whole song... overly smooth instrumental. Yeah it may have an element of hip hop, so did nu metal. It's not hip hop. It's easier to tell with that type of music though.
I disagree.
in Nu-Metal the goal was to incorporate contemporary elements from Hip-Hop
while staying Metal. They had DJ's, Beat Breaks and rapping but ultimately they had
their power chords, Bass string chugs (strumming the lowest string on the 6th or 7th string guitar) guitar solo's and of course "Rock" like focused using screaming and such.
While Hip-Hop artists tend to connect to the past by laying those older ideas over the
over the comparatively new rhythmic foundation of Hip-Hop. This record has more in
common with Pete Rock and Dilla than it doesn't. And obviously the album also draws heavily
from Neo-Soul.
This record for example (a classic !!!) uses nearly identical rhythms, the change
up comes from adding more or less kick but that basic Hip-Hop foundation (Kick,Snare
or the Boom Bap) is still there.
This is part of the reason I feel the "TPAB is more Jazz than Hip-Hop" claims are unfounded.