There isn't a rapper alive that has "universally known quotables".
What a ridiculous expectation.
Even within Hip-Hop Circles there are legendary figures who could put
on a show right now and the crowd (if they could draw one...) would be
at a loss to recite whole verses.
I mean Jay-Z is one of the biggest rappers on the planet, he can draw crowds
no matter what and he's had his older hits butchered by the younger crowd he draws.

"1, 2, 3 and to tha 4..."
"Even saw the lights of the good year blimp..."
"Sometimes the rap game remind me of the crack game"
"it's like a jungle sometimes..."
Even with more local rappers there's bars that stand out to their fans. Some rappers got more of a knack for that than others, Kendrick ain't one of them.