Bill Nye is now up. The question at hand is whether Ken Ham's creationism is viable.
Bill goes for the jugular by using their location as proof that the world is not 6000 years old.
Shows hollow drill bits, cylinders of ice. 680,000 layers of ice = 680,000 years. Explains how the atmospheric bubbles in the ice cannot be created in 4000 years. Shows that would requie170 winter/summer cycles a year. Ask "wouldn't someone notice that."
Shows evidence of a tree that is 9,000 years old. "How could these trees be there if there was an enormous flood 4000 years ago. Get a sapling, put it under water for a year, it will die. So how can these trees be that old?"
Shows pictures of the grand canyon. Muav Limestone. Temple Butte Fm. Shows that geologist spend their lives studying the rate that sediments settle. "If this great flood drained through the Grand Canyon, wouldn't we have a grand canyon on ever continent."
"If you can find one example of fossils not fitting the timeline, you will change the world." - He is pleading for you to find the information
Shows human skeleton. "If there was JUST man, where would you put us." - Picture has 100 human skulls.
Talking about Noahs Arc. "So places like australia are populated by animals who managed to get all the way from the middle east to australia in 4000 years. We would expect then, evidence of kangaroo fossils somewhere between the middle east and australia. There is a claim that there is a land bridge that helped them get from Asia to Australia and it disappeared. No evidence of this bridge has been found."
"If there are 4000 years since Ken Hams flood. And 7000 kinds (organism type). 16 million species today. We would expect to find 11 new species every day. There is simply no evidence of this."
"I traveled the highways of Washington state quite a bit. You can find these enormous boulders on top of the ground. Geologist have discovered there used to be a lake in Montana. An Ice dam would form and every once in awhile it would break. If as is asserted, that the heavier rocks would sink to the bottom during a flood event, you'd expect them to sink to the bottom. Here are these enormous rocks right on the surface. How could those be there if the world is just 4000 years old and just one flood caused that."
"Inherent in this world view, is that somehow, Noah and his family built a wooden ship that could house 14008 individuals. These people were unskilled. They had to get all these animals on there. They had to feed them. We can then run a scientific test. People bult the wyoming, a large ship, that had great difficulty. It would twist in the sea. In all that twisting it leaked. The crew could not keep the ship dry. It eventually sank. There were 14 seamen, the best in the world, and they could not build a working ship that the Ark claimed to have been. Is it possible that 14 men could not do what 8 unskilled persons could not."
"What we want in science is an ability to predict. We want to have a natural law that is so clear that we can make predictions about what can help."
*story about fossil gap*
*story about topminnows* "why does any organism have sex? there are more bacteria in your tummy than humans on earth. they don't have to deal with that. why does anybody bother? and the answer seems to be your enemies. And your enemies are not lions and tigers and bears. Your enemies are germs and parasites. The topminnows that reproduce sexually have fewer parasites. In between, some of the fish would have sex sometimes, and sometimes reproduces asexually. They are effected by parasites more than those who sexually produced but less than purely asexual members."
*why we accept the big bang*
"Edwin Hubble, was sitting at Mt Wilson. He found that the stars are moving apart. He wasn't sure why, but it was clear. Eventually another Astronomer theorized that there was a big bang. But people still questioned. Two researched wanted to listen to radio signals from space. There was this hiss all the time that wouldn't go away. They thought something was wrong with their equipment. Its still there. Its in Baskin Ridge, New Jersey. What was found is a cosmic background sound. Astronomers predicted what would be left over was an echo left over from the big bang."