he is dragging this out for no reason, you want to solely win, go to the lakers, you want to continue being the undisputed man and contend yearly go back to the raptors, you love LA but dont want to be on a super team go to the clippers, the lakers, clippers, and raptors are in a standstill and cant really sign much of the dwindled down list of players until he makes his decision. Also by delaying which ever team he goes to will not be constructed as good as they could be due to the fact they are choosing left over players. I think at this point he is trying hard to act like he not really a try hard. AD been traded a while ago, sit down with your guys discuss the money, meet the teams in one spot make your demands, and make a decision in a day. At this point i hope he goes to toronto or clippers, so he is not guaranteed several more chips.