Field Marshall Bradley
Didn't West burn out and fall out with Dr. Buss/leave the org in the '70s pre-Paul Westhead? I think, if I have my knowledge correct, that West burned out on the job and left with a bit of acrimony before, but came back. In fact, I think that he did that a couple of times. That's just how Jerry West operates.
But you always bring him back into the fold. It seems like Jeannie is more into hiring yes-men than hiring people like West, who was known for telling Dr. Buss what the plan should be and how he wanted to do things no matter what Jerry thought.
You probably right.... especially about Jeannie..... Jerry came out a while back and admitted that he’s been battling depression all his life, so it may have been times doing his tenure with a personality like Buss that he genuinely needed to break away