I'm not on the Avenatti for president boat, I'm not even sure if he isn't a publicity hound sleaze lawyer in a nice suit at the right place at the right time but one thing I like is the fact it's so nice to finally have someone on our side throwing haymakers at Trump and the Republicans. There is finally someone our side playing dirty like the repubs do and telling it like it is about Trump, it's just refreshing. Example
Media: Trump may not have the US best interest at heart
Avenatti: He's a traitor
Media: Trump isn't educated on the issue
Avenatti: Trump is a moron
Media: Trump doesn't put America in the best light
Avenatti: Trump is an embarrassment
Media: Trump has a questionable sexual history
Avenatti: Trump has been accused of sexual assault several times, cheated on every wife, advocates sexual assault, and sexualizes his own daughter
It's just really refreshing

The craziest part is Republicans hate him, but they are the reason he can talk like that because of their president normalization of being a a55hole.