Kavanaugh SCOTUS Thread! Senate Confirms by 50-48 Vote Margin; Kavanaugh Sworn-In


Apr 30, 2012
There's only about 6 GOP female Senators lol.

Besides Collins and Murkowski, there is:

Joni Ernst (Iowa)
Shelley Moore Capito (West Virginia)
Cindy Hyde-Smith (Mississippi)
Deb Fischer (Nebraska)

All of them are typical conservative White women.

True Collins and Murkowski always get talked about as being some kind of swing vote. Them other broads get a full pass because of it, it's type crazy. Federal government about to get full power over the women's uterus and you got goofball broads like these fighting against what you would think would be their own interest. Not to mention all of this is happening in what some would say is the second era of feminism. Never trust a white bytch with a haircut like Joni Ernst unless she got a couple mixed babies following her around.

Crazy shyt.


May 7, 2012
After watching Trump just now look resigned and normal when asked about the Delay, I think they might have gotten more bad news that might be coming down the Pike about Kavanaugh. It's really weird that Trump seemed to take it in stride when being asked about it. I just saw that Murkowski is siding with Flake, so something must be up. I think there's a chance that they might be giving themselves an out on Kavanaugh. Now McConnell has to comply with Murkowski & Flake deferring to No unless there's an FBI investigation. This seems odd, and if I were Kavanaugh, I'd be worried right now. Yesterday during the hearing, he didn't want ANY parts of an FBI investigation.

he's just pouting like any child does when they don't get their way. he was hoping today would be a victory lap. instead it's going to be another week of people parsing bart's testimony, more women, more pressure on senators sitting on the fence and a week of nonstop coverage about how the GOP is the party of sexual harassment. you're going to see women related to various congressmen/senators come out publicly opposing the nomination and probably thousands of other women who are going to publicly announce their own stories. you're going to see people dig into the inconsistencies and i'm guessing even more evidence of grassley/hatch's duplicity will emerge.

right now flake is viewing this in terms of his political/financial future. it's obvious he thinks there is SOME appetite/audience for his syrupy sweet (actually weak kneed) version of post partisan kumbaya politics. it will boil down to whether he thinks he can win a GOP primary (governor possibly or president) or if his only shot will be some sort of independent/moderate throwback GOP candidate. if he doesnt think he has a political future then he will vote YES to confirm as I believe his net worth is actually towards the bottom in the senate and he'll want to be paid off for the vote.

if he does plan on running in the future he will, surprisingly to many, vote NO. remember that Arizona is all of a sudden competitive and i think he's smart enough to realize that he has already burned so many bridges with the GOP base that even if he votes to confirm, they will never be supporters of him in any future elections.

i think murkowski is also going to end up as a NO. remember that she actually LOST her primary and interestingly enough she has NEVER won a majority of votes in a senate election. she depends on support from the indian nation and apparently they are strongly against bart.

have no clue about collins but i think at the end of the day she's more likely to vote to confirm - she seems like the type of white woman who does as she's told. she also made some comments early on about the kind of pressure she's been receiving that made it sound like she would vote to confirm if for no other reason than she doesnt want to appear to have been bullied into voting against bart.

i think the wild cards are going to use this week to also pressure the white house to pull the nomination and quickly put up another strong conservative that they can vote for w/o the political fallout.