if you think antisemitism is the truth that's on you. remember the cauldron of tension that brewed in crown heights back then? i do. people on both sides were behaving like morons.
Griff does wacky online stuff about aliens and killing people now right?
tell the 'rab get off the rag was pretty awesome though.
certainly way more garish and ballsy then anything this sellout, effeminate self parody Kanye has mustered.
At that point in time I do feel that what Griff said concerning jews was a main contributing factor in him being removed from the group. I can't see it being any other reason. And I have heard a lot of what Griff has been saying in the past and of late about the industry and since he was in the industry I have to give him the benefit of the doubt when he speaks on these things.
I also remember the outrage on "Welcome to the Terrodome" where Chuck referenced the jews saying "Apologies made to whoever it pleases, still they got me like Jesus."
And not the deviate from the topic at hand, but Ice Cube used to go hard at jews on his first 3 solo albums. He even mentioned it on one of his songs where he said "They told me I could sing like a jaybird, but nikka don't say the j-word." It's no coincidence that once he stopped with the anti white/jewish rhetoric, he garnered more mainstream success.
Now how does this relate to Kanye? it doesn't really but it only mirrors the fact that West is outspoken and that rubs people the wrong way, but since he's not the menacing threat that other artist are often portrayed as, he is more the subject of ridicule. West often comes across as wanting the world to replace the love and adulation that his mother lavished upon him until her untimely death.
He's basically a spoiled, talented artist who uses his platform as a star to be controversial. Some people like it, some don't.