although i disagree, let's go with your scenario. how will that imporve the conditions of black people, if most of the wealth and power is still in the hands of a small minority of whites? do you think whites will just hand over the nuclear launch codes, and their military power, just because of some race mixing?
Dude what the hell are you talking about? You are speaking like i'm using a military tactic called "race
Mixing" as the general of a black army. I'm saying if things continue as they are, as racial tensions decrease and racials mixing increases that would be the result after thousands of years. This is naturally occuring. Do you really think in the future there would be a small cabal of white supremacists in power hoarding gold and missiles? Are you that small minded brother? Those things you mentioned will be based more on class rather than race over time as what i said occurs. If you focus on who has the real power (jews) then ok what you said is true and they won't hand anything over.