kanye right it was a choice, he just don't know how to articulate yourself
if you take babies away from their parents and raise them to be slaves never allowing them to read or be educated, they will choose to be slaves
the way he made it sound as if nikkaz wanted to be slaves
nikkaz still choose to be slaves to this day, thats the hard reality
nikkaz choose to be abused by the system, nikkaz choose to broke, nikkaz choose not to build for the future of their own race
At some point you have to choice to rise regardless of obstacles or opposition
Im not clicking on the video because hes a troll thats only doing it for his album sales and clicks but if he said what i think he said both kanye and yourself are 100 percent right.
I keep telling people in 2018 black people are still slaves and that is 100 percent a choice.
Ive seen this mentality on here.
We have such a defeatist attitude and its always mr white man holding them back.
Its always blame the white man.
Or someone elses fault.
We very rarely hold ourselves accountable.
We always pass the blame onto others.
Someone willl mention the problem with black gangs and crime they will say "but but most school shooters are white".
You could bring up the mental and psychological damage that is being done everyday to black girls and women by them wearing weave, they will say "but but white girls wear weave".
You can bring up the problem we have with black men dating white women.
They will again deflect the blame and say "but but black women are as bad. Look at Serena,etc".
Yep it is a 100 percent a choice.