Kali Muscle shows his support for Donald Trump

Mar 11, 2022
Athletes in general can be very conservative. The intellectual ones are usually very liberal but we've seen football players, MMA fighters etc., be hella conservative. Most of the time it's not even a financial thing, just cultural conservatives.

Think it's because they're naturally gifted physically....more than probably 90 to 95% of people. They work hard and then succeed, so they start to drink their own kool-aid on "hard work" and "bootstrap." What they forget is that genetics/DNA got them to second base. Hard work got them home. The average person is starting in the parking lot because they don't have the innate physical tools to succeed. Athletes don't always appreciate how naturally gifted they are, that even gives them a chance in the first place.
Adding people who fall into success through pure luck like the Dilbert guy.


Jul 25, 2018
This gotta be studied frfr.

I think the common thread is that Trump desires fame/power above all else but never had to really "work" for it like, say, Oprah for example.

Trump is a celebrity politician that also became the most powerful man on Earth for 4 years.....like a slacker that didn't study at all but somehow got answers to the test and made an A+. They love Trump because he got to the mountaintop using shortcuts.

Those celebrity MAGATS don't wanna grind like a nerdy Kamala or even a Ted Cruz with impeccable academic credentials and hard work. They want to fast track to the top and admire someone like Trump that did it. He's not sharp like an Obama or Romney. They can't relate to smart.....he's loud and forceful which is much easier to imitate.

Its for the same reason these folks hate and distrust hoity toity doctors, teachers, judges, academics etc, and are drawn to psuedo science, conspiaricies, astrology, "I'm blessed" magical thinking, and shyt like that as well. Same reason every two-bit wannabe militant on thecoli regards anyone with an active background in politics as a "shill" while praising any dumbass with a youtube account like the second coming of Malcolm X. It's plain old, overcompensating anti-intellectualism combined with mental instability. A jealousy almost.

A lot of people who found their success and wealth in "grinding", giving up their dignity, and exploiting themselves as sex objects, entertainers, hustlers and whatnot tend to resent intellectual people who found success by merit of their intelligence, succeed on their own terms. It makes them feel insecure. Instead of accepting theyre human and don't know everything, they need validation that they do. Again, it's coming from a place of immaturity and insecurity.

Look at the rhetoric these folks use with regards to "voting Democrat" and "liberals." A civic duty that benefits your wellbeing, your commumity; and a political ideology that protects equal rights is somehow a chore we are being "forced" and "pressured" to do.

When these people see Kamala Harris she reminds them of their school principle or somethinf. They see a hoity toity intellect whos "not really black" and "doesnt give.a.fukk about me" "forcing them" to behave, and respect the gay kid and the immigrant kid in the class. When they see Trump or Taroq Nasheed they see the class clown who validates their own belief in life: that intellect doesn't matter. That intelligence is whatever you define it as. That the intellects are actually the ignorant ones who want to control everyone and the ignorant ones are the empowering intellects. They're not supporting Trump, they're supporting an entire worldview that has been their source of pride in life.

Once Trump is out the picture and politics goes back to being a "boring," intellectual endeavor for intellectual people, and they no longer have an icon to get behind, these rappers and phony social media militants will go back to ignoring it entirely cus "ain't nothing gonna change." And those black folks like myself who do engage in politics seriously can do so again without being disrupted by social media weirdos confusing politics with spectator sport for their internet personas and broken egos.
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Jun 11, 2012
Its for the same reason these folks hate and distrust hoity toity doctors, teachers, judges, academics etc, and are drawn to psuedo science, conspiaricies, astrology, "I'm blessed" magical thinking, and shyt like that as well. Same reason every two-bit wannabe militant on thecoli regards anyone with an active background in politics as a "shill" while praising any dumbass with a youtube account like the second coming of Malcolm X. It's plain old, overcompensating anti-intellectualism combined with mental instability. A jealousy almost.

A lot of people who found their success and wealth in "grinding", giving up their dignity, and exploiting themselves as sex objects, entertainers, hustlers and whatnot tend to resent intellectual people who found success by merit of their intelligence, succeed on their own safe terms, and who makes them feel insecure about their own life and achievement. Again, it's coming from a place of immaturity and insecurity.

Look at the rhetoric these folks use with regards to "voting Democrat" and "liberals." A civic duty that benefits your life and is a privilege in most societies, and a political ideology that protects equal rights is somehow a chore we are being "forced" and "pressured" to do.

When these people see Kamala Harris she reminds them of their school principle. They see a hoity toity intellect whos "forcing them" to behave, and respect the gay kid and the immigrant kid in the class, and "doesnt give a fukk about me." When they see Trump they see someone who validates their belief in life: that intellect doesn't matter. That intelligence is whatever you define it as. That the intellects are actually the ignorant ones who want control everyone and the ignorant ones are the empowering intellects. They're not supporting Trump, they're supporting an entire worldview that has been their source of pride in life.

Once Trump is out the picture and politics goes back to being a "boring," intellectual endeavor for intellectual people and they no longer have an icon to get behind, these rappers and phony social media militants will go back to ignoring it entirely cus "ain't nothing gonna change." And those black folks like myself who do engage in politics seriously can do so again without being disrupted by social media weirdos confusing politics with spectator sport for their internet persona's.

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Dec 19, 2017
It’s obvious that he’s going broke and this is a quick money grab but it’s too late. He sold all of his cars and his steroid abuse has destroyed his health, so he can’t do fitness YouTube. He has tried game streaming, asmr, mukbang, car vlogging, selling info on how to be successful on social media, and nothing is working.

The initial success brought the c00n out of him and he left his black wife for a white chick. He was in Kumi415 while in prison, so hasn't always been a c00n.
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