Completely understand why Amandla and black women would be upset about this.
It's got to suck to live in a society/world that deems you unattractive and undesirable because of your skin tone/facial features/hair, yet white women - the same women that are placed (undeservedly) on the highest of pedestals - can "buy" those same features and be praised not only by society, but by black men. The argument of black women straightening hair and wearing weaves is highly insensitive, considering that they go that route to adhere not only to pressures of society, but to what they perceive is what black men find more attractive than their natural features.
The insensitivity to black women's issues by black men need to be addressed. Yes, there are certainly more important things to fight for and against than a Kardashian wearing braids, but at least be understanding to the underline of why Amandla and other black women are offended. Very disturbing how the capes come out for overrated white bytches while the feelings of the women of your own culture are disregarded
Maybe if Black men made more of an effort to uplift black women and help them feel beautiful in a society that tells them they're not, then black women wouldn't feel the need to complain about what may seem to you guys as a "pointless" issue.
But no, instead let's defend another white bytch, while telling the women of our culture to "get over" their feelings...yet AGAIN!