I think this movie would be a mystery to anyone that didn't grow up around exburban or working class type whites unless you just enjoy laughing at people. Even the girl I was dating at the time, was a refugee that ended up in this edge suburb thought this was hilarious. I think those that don't move away from those places won't see the comedy either, but man I can just see certain people I grew up with in these roles. If you know Dallas, this movie makes me think of the way Garland(one of the inspirations for King of the Hill and Beavis and Butthead)or Mesquite type places used to be in the 80s as opposed to the more yuppy burbs like Plano or Frisco. I knew this nerdy dude named Greg that met this black woman from Dallas and started wearing rags and gold chains. He was like quiet and super skinny nerdy dude before that. Same kind of low quiet voice. Always arguing with his brother. Uncle Rico was like every dad of the kids I played sports with. Also had some story of glory. I knew a dude just like Napoleon too. Girls would pick on him at school because he wore those boots. Dude just happened to have curly red hair and was always angry. Napoleon's grandmother was like every older white woman in town. Same quick wit, yelling everything with a cigarette in their mouths. Hell, my first baseball coach was basically this lady, lol. Out at the first base coaches box with a cig in her mouth, yellin out shyt at us. The music just put it over the top. Weird to think about. My neighborhood was like 99% black and hispanic, but anything like school or sports and it was basically an episode of Napoleon Dynamite.