The irony is this is the first true honest depiction of slavery in a movie BASED on slavery.
I keep hearing that Hollywood KEEPS making slavery movies. Thats not true:
Amistad-courtroom Docudrama with the backdrop of the slave trade
Lincoln-biopic of the man, set during his last 5 months in office during the Civil War
Django-Spaghetti western featuring a slave
Roots-a mini series not a movie and also was made 35 years ago
Mandingo and the rest-blaxpoitation movies with the backdrop of slavery.
Where are all of these tons of slavery movies? this is the first accurate Hollywood full feature length movie based inside of slavery, feauturing the plight of slaves during slave times possibly EVER. Ive been waiting for a movie to show the atrocities of slavery with no bullshyt. Showing the true savages (yt) as they were. Black director, black writers and based on a black book.
i remember watching roots as a child seeing that little girl who was like 14, having he rtop ripped up then raped by the savage white man while her mom cried outside the door
folks need to remeber slavery wasnt all just working in the cotton field and dying at a old age,