The American
Defending America against cacs
Don't let her know about this site, when she sees how much nikkas worship white women here...
That shyt got everything to do with where she goes to school.
Nah i understand breh but we only did it because she was having trouble with the last school and we were worried about the bad environment affecting her but we moved to a nicer neighborhood and she will be going to public school for high school.
We live in Texas
I mean they 14I think that played a part of it as well, thankfully shes outa there and into a much more diverse school but still it saddens me that the black boys in the school would all attack the one black girl that comes along.
My advice is to tell her to detach her from this society, and black people. tell het to avoid black ppl, she seems intelligent, a reflective person , a deeper thinker...tell her to aviod these nikkas like the plague, so they dont indoctrinate her with their toxic beliefs.
She had been depressed all last year and nobody in the family really knew why but on the car ride back home today she finally opening up and we talked about it.
She talked about how when she decided to go natural with her hair all her friends literally stopped talking to herShe was in private school and was literally the only black girl and she said all the black boys was on some other level of c00nery, calling black/darkskin women ugly and calling her ugly for having nappy hair
Thankfully for high school we are moving her to a nice high school with a good mix of people and a larger black population but im really worried if the younger generation is dealing with this level of c00nery
14 years old and getting hate for natural hairlet me catch one of these nikkas in her new school
Coli women please gimme some advice on what to say to her to honestly just cheer her up.. shes depressed about being black and says why would anyone want to be the most hated race.. even black men hate their raceIve been trying to tell her that theres a lot of people who hate their own skin and that she will meet a lot of immature guys in high school and dont take it to heart but this is just sad man.
Self hate is the saddest thing ive ever seen brehs..
Serious responses only if you troll about my sister i will literally kill you(with negs)
People are saying let them cook so they're cooking up 5 star c00n courses.Daam.
Nobody instilling a sense of inner pride and heritage in their kids nowdays?
She should have hit'em when the
And kept it moving.
What part? If you're in Dallas I can recommend a few good programs to move your sister too.
Tell your sister to stop looking for validation from the opposite sex. A person's self esteem shouldn't be decided by others opinions. She has to start loving herself and stop caring what others have to say.
It is never a good idea to send a black person to an all white or majority (More than 65%) white school.
I went to school that was almost half and half. There were lots of girls who were natural and lots who wore weaves.
Idk what you can say to her. There will always be "c00n" black boys/people saying those things about black girls and natural hair, but there will be less at a school with majority black people.She will probably get over it when she sees more people at her new school who have natural hair. Natual hair is really popular with younger women. It's either natual hair or bundles. No one usually gets talked about for their natural hair at black schools if it's styled well.
I think that played a part of it as well, thankfully shes outa there and into a much more diverse school but still it saddens me that the black boys in the school would all attack the one black girl that comes along.