over 14 years in the shade...
I was out of work two summers ago now and I was working a part time job during that time. Anything I made over $100 in a week, was taken from the amount I received in unemployement. If I'm already making 2/3's less money, wouldn't it make sense for me to NEED every cent of my income? Luckily my boss paid me under the table when I took on extra hours but if I had recorded that money, I would have been screwed.
I feel that since I pay into unemployment, then they should allow me x amount for x number of weeks or until I secure full-time employment again. I'm not saying that it doen't help people. My thing is that it's not as much "help" as it could be for people actually trying to get on their feet. If I were in the same situation again, I'd just rather do some side hustles and make my money that way than to deal with that.
Also, its depends on the demographic and where the person is living that dictates them side hustles and how to make a living.
the whole system is fukked up either way.