I DO Not Sow
I dont give a fukk who respects meyou would have got more respect from this crowd if you just said you decided to take your girl to go see it instead of making it seem like she made you do it. i'd go see Twilight with a chick and be cool with it. hell i listened to the audio books on my iPod at work. people kept hyping it up but after checking it out for myself its all pretty crappy IMO.
the best thing about Twilight was the Volturi. that whole concept of a secret society of vampires with dedicated special powers that rules from the shadows was nice but the author never took it anywhere. in fact its barely featured at all while shytty characters like Bella and Edward who solely exist to be the perfect man who's obsessed with Bella for no apparent reason at all get heavily featured.
Bella was a typical american self-absorbed whore. the way the author played Jacob is even worse. the borderline pedophilia in Breaking Dawn was sicking.

I drag my girl to the movies all the time....shyt that see don't wanna see.....I look at it like this....if you cant compromise and see a fukking movie with someone you been with for 4 years....then what the fukk u in a relationship for......betta believe we seeing that Iron fist movie next week