carlos danger

If i put my mind to it, I can do it

Thanks IT guys!
African Americans should be sterilised. And banned from ever setting foot in Africa.
Your average iq is 85. Ergo, the average A.A is mildly retarded.
Threads like this prove it.
Gifs as a response. Quelle surprise!
cacs and their humor
I am a pure bred African you half breed oxygen thief.
Its humoUr by the way. If you are going to speak another nations language, at least spell it correctly.
white people try so hard to troll
work harder at perfecting the taste of Mayo cac
Oh and you dirty CAC, it is Humor or Humour
get some education u dirty Ofay fakkit
Bit rich to be criticising someones education or lack there off, when one is borderline illiterate.
The word is humour. You cultureless mongrels, b*stardised the English language. Just like the trash south of your border, b*stardised the Spanish language. But the similarities dont end there, like the mexicans, you have the collective iq of a cocunut. Like the mexicans, you are mixed race mongrels.
African Americans? Please. Half of you couldnt find my continent on a map. And we dont want you back.