Why not? If you can make it's ideal for more people. Not many like buying full ATX towers anymore breh.
Your needs might be different than others though, why do you need a full tower? Are you on your @2gunsup steez?
before ITX was cool I used to get medium sized towers and I used to always cut my hands trying to replace parts in them (I used to upgrade a lot) but when I got full size towers it was better and I dont mind working on it.
plus im not sure a 970 GTX would even fit in that case and I do use more USB/peripheral units than normal people (cause I was streaming which I havnt done in a long time). So I got a dedicated head set, microphone, web camera, Dual monitors, etc.
and room to add a capture card/console set up to the monitors.
im also not the best at cable management but on a bigger tower it doesnt effect air flow as much.