Just a reminder @Brooklynzson


The White King TuT
May 21, 2012
why would i be calling moneyteam the rapist when his FRIEND did the crime? just admit you had a MAJOR reading comprehension fail and take your obvious loss. you've embrassed yourself enough. :wow: like said stop :cape: for rapist and i won't say sh*t else to you.
find one post where i defended his friend, seriously go try, you cant cause i never did it. you are just trying to change your story now, its so fukking obvious. your original response post was "well prove how i did emotional and financial damage with that statement" and now you are saying the statement was about someone else. how old are you? your lies are so fukking easy to see through. you are just trying to cover yourself legally at this point cause you are beginning to realize you broke the law in a very real way that could come back to bite you in the ass.

hey moneyteam if you are reading this a lawyer would probably take your case pro-bono cause there is a high percentage chance you could get at least 10k outta the lawsuit against this woman.


The White King TuT
May 21, 2012
i'll see you in court bytch.
no actually i was encouraging the guy you committed libel against, themoneyteam, to sue you. just wanted to clear that up cause you seem to have had a massive failure to comprehend anything that has happened in the last 3 pages of this thread.


Goat ™
May 2, 2012
no actually i was encouraging the guy you committed libel against, themoneyteam, to sue you. just wanted to clear that up cause you seem to have had a massive failure to comprehend anything that has happened in the last 3 pages of this thread.
i've been addressing YOU the whole time calling your dumb ass the rape apologist (what in like 4 post in this thread now??) and you're still trying to spin it to me talking about him (even tho i've been addressing you DIRECTLY the whole thread). that's just willfully dumb. stop trolling. :troll: i'm done. :dead: like i said see you in court if you think you have a case. :youngsabo:


Dec 31, 2012
i've been addressing YOU the whole time calling your dumb ass the rape apologist (what in like 4 post in this thread now??) and you're still trying to spin it to me talking about him (even tho i've been addressing you DIRECTLY the whole thread). that's just willfully dumb. stop trolling. :troll: i'm done. :dead: like i said see you in court if you think you have a case. :youngsabo:

Don't waste your precious time with that fool, darling. I swear, i would beat him up just for you.


Goat ™
May 2, 2012
Don't waste your precious time with that fool, darling. I swear, i would beat him up just for you.
i just realized i've been trolled hard as fukk by this dude. no way he believes the sh*t he's typing. he's just bored and wanted a :troll: back and forth. and i gave it to him. :snoop:

Banned Account12

May 24, 2012
good luck trying to prove to a judge you suffered significant emotional and financial damages by being called a a rape apologist online (which you are) on a message forum you fukking crybaby. you seem to not know how libel laws even work and you're calling ME dumb. DUMBASS!. :dead:

false rape claims are damaging to your reputation which would affect you in both ways. glad you were able to go read the wikipedia page about libel then still come back here and make yourself look like an idiot. good job. :salute:you accused someone of a felony crime with no evidence in a public setting:ufdup:

also lmao at trying to call him a "rape apologist" after originally calling him a "rapist" you fukked up and you know it and now you are just trying to cover your ass by attempting to justify your libel.

no i called you a rape apologist. but keep trying to spin it.... and take your "claim" to a lawyer if you think you have a shot. bring it ON. obviously your feelings are hurt. stop defending people who make light of rapes on here and i'll stop pulling your card. :youngsabo:

see you are so fukking stupid you dont even understand this isnt about me. this is about the guy themoneyteam who you accused of being a rapist with zero evidence of any crime actually taking place :youngsabo:

is english your second language or are you just embarrassingly dumb?

show me the post where i called HIM a rapist? ARE YOU THIS DUMB????? or trolling?

http://www.thecoli.com/threads/just-a-reminder-brooklynzson.137308/page-7#post-5066016 :youngsabo: you on your period or something? you are acting irrational

then you called him a rapist again a few posts later:youngsabo:

omg you're mildly retarded. the original post:
and the 2 subsequent posts in here were in reference to you low lifes capin for his friend that raped an unconscious woman. if i was talking about moneyteam i would have @ him dumbass. you're slow as fukk.

lmao you are scrambling right now to cover your ass legally, show any jury in the world those posts on page 7 and no one would believe you are taking about anyone else except themoneyteam. sorry the law doesnt favor insane people who constantly change their story. :ufdup:

even if moneyteam's story is true(which it isnt) u really think anyone is gonna buy your story about how you were referring to the guy who should be banned off this forum for being a rapist who is not even a member of this forum? damn you are really dumb

why would i be calling moneyteam the rapist when his FRIEND did the crime? just admit you had a MAJOR reading comprehension fail and take your obvious loss. you've embrassed yourself enough. :wow: like said stop :cape: for rapist and i won't say sh*t else to you.

find one post where i defended his friend, seriously go try, you cant cause i never did it. you are just trying to change your story now, its so fukking obvious. your original response post was "well prove how i did emotional and financial damage with that statement" and now you are saying the statement was about someone else. how old are you? your lies are so fukking easy to see through. you are just trying to cover yourself legally at this point cause you are beginning to realize you broke the law in a very real way that could come back to bite you in the ass.

hey moneyteam if you are reading this a lawyer would probably take your case pro-bono cause there is a high percentage chance you could get at least 10k outta the lawsuit against this woman.

i'll see you in court bytch.

no actually i was encouraging the guy you committed libel against, themoneyteam, to sue you. just wanted to clear that up cause you seem to have had a massive failure to comprehend anything that has happened in the last 3 pages of this thread.

i've been addressing YOU the whole time calling your dumb ass the rape apologist (what in like 4 post in this thread now??) and you're still trying to spin it to me talking about him (even tho i've been addressing you DIRECTLY the whole thread). that's just willfully dumb. stop trolling. :troll: i'm done. :dead: like i said see you in court if you think you have a case. :youngsabo:


The White King TuT
May 21, 2012
i've been addressing YOU the whole time calling your dumb ass the rape apologist (what in like 4 post in this thread now??) and you're still trying to spin it to me talking about him (even tho i've been addressing you DIRECTLY the whole thread). that's just willfully dumb. stop trolling. :troll: i'm done. :dead: like i said see you in court if you think you have a case. :youngsabo:
you are not smart