The gawd
My reason for liking Lost World as well
Lightning in a bottle. They didn't expect it to even do what it did. Might come close but no cigar. That shyt wasin theaters
Didn't see one on a search but if there is one, my b in advance. Plus I couldn't resit when I saw this:
Jeff Goldblum Joins 'Jurassic World' Sequel (Exclusive)
Ian Malcolm has returned
I'm one of the few I know who loves Lost World and he's the main reason why
But will they get the raptors to actually ride the dirt bikes this time?
I use a variation of this speech so much in real life
Real shytI remember when I was a kid, I used to find all of these scenes so boring and I remember thinking "Screw the talking. I want to see the dinosaurs." but as I got older, I started to find these scenes just as interesting (maybe even philosophically a bit more interesting) as the dinosaurs themselves. "
Yeah, this is wrong. Very wrong....but dinosaurs.
" I think that's one of the beauties of Jurassic Park.
Real shytAs an adult you can come back to certain movies from our childhood and be like
at the knowledge that was dropped in them
Real shytAs an adult you can come back to certain movies from our childhood and be like
at the knowledge that was dropped in them
lol who in the hell is going back to that park after JW1. This movie having a sequel is unrealistic