Yup. Clip was a while ago so will be difficult to find but it was when Bernie was the front runner and seemed poised to get the nomination. Biden was all but dead after the first few primaries until Clyburn (highest recipient of pharmaceutical money in Congress) endorsed him just before SC. Now who was it that ran on universal healthcare again? Funny how that works.
At any rate, it was on Morning Hoe. They were talking about how Bernie was doing and you could see the panic in his eyes. Again this is after going on and on about how terrible Trump was. Deutsche was like I don’t know I hate to say but if he’s the nominee I might have to consider Trump. Then the old white dude, forget his name but a regular on Hoe tried to walk him back.
But it was a perfect example of how the elite will acquiesce to fascism if they feel their wealth and status are under threat. And he knew that Bernie would support policies to tax the wealthy and corporations more. Corporations that own mass media entities like MSNBC. A perfect example of what’s wrong with the modern Democratic Party. What resemblance do they have to FDR’s “I welcome their hatred”. Look up the second bill of rights he proposed at a Presidential State of the Union. It makes Bernie look like Musk. We’re faaaaar from that and that’s why they fail. You can’t be a party that had Jamie Dimon, the Kushners, Bloomberg etc as prominent members and the party of the masses.
MSNBC is simple corporate liberalism uninterested in fukking with the status quo.i like Hayes though. I feel like hes more radical but does just what he feels like he can get away with in mainstream media. They had to get rid of Mehdi real quick.