I think your confusing what "not cooperating with authorities" means it simply means your using your right to not to speak to them at the moment about whatever there investigating. It doesn't mean there not interested in charges or punishment (legal or monetary) against him.I'm not sure I understand what you're saying.
I'm saying, the parents don't seem to cooperating with authorities in an investigation for giddey (giddey/Diddy, helluva coincidence).
But they just hired a lawyer that sues the shyt out of people.
If they were going after giddey, it would only be right to be cooperative in an investigation against him and also sue.
So I believe they might be going In a different direction
I think people forget that you can simply tell cops you don't want to talk to them. I was reminded of this when I got my weapons carrying permit and during the class the question about "what should you do if you shoot someone" came up. The answer was simple, call the cops tell them you shot someone nothing else. When they come don't tell them the how, why, what etc. It's there job to investigate not yours. Your lawyer works out the rest.
In this girls/family case she starts talking to much she herself might end up in trouble, granted not as much him but still