Every state has its own standard on what's allowable between minors and adults.
If he's guilty of a crime, ignorance of law is not an excuse.
His status in America is too high for him to be flying this close to the sun.
As I said earlier, his own teammates can get him some banging adult p*ssy.
All facts...
We break all kinds of laws all day bro.
The severity of how we see these laws when their broken is a societal thing.
In regards of how concerned everyone is acting.
If a 16yr old dude fukked a 20 yr old female celeb.
No one would be doing all this.
It would be jokes
Even tho by law, that would be illegal too
So it's not about the law. Like I was saying before it's all about "outrage".
I see older IG models trying to get impregnate by young bball players, nobody says anything about dudes prefrontal cortex development or nothing.
But your main point I fux with more.
When you're a celeb or something you need to be extra careful about what you're doing.
We could say that to all these athletes and entertainers. They always doing something stupid.