Joseph "Genocide Joe" Biden is now more unpopular than Trump, Obama and Bush were as presidents


May 21, 2012
I mean Israel isn't Biden's only failure.

Getting the public to believe Covid was no longer harmful and sending us all back to work is also
another huge blunder/failure and cost hundreds of thousands of American lives.

We just straight forgot about it. lol. :pachaha:

And his presidency is hardly a marker for "Environmentalism".
He took that whole stance and wiped his ass with it.

If Oil wasn't so important to so many aspects our lives and there was meaningful progress
towards lowering our consumption of it or stopping it on top of acting as if the looming water crisis,
energy crisis and climate crisis were fukking real we'd be in a considerably better position
as a nation.

Tribal Outkast

Nov 22, 2016
He deserves every ounce of hatred he gets. I was legit going to sit out this election because of his decrepit shuffling old ass. I'm just hoping Kamala has what it takes to pull this out.
Well hopefully the other decrepit shuffling old ass man don’t win :yeshrug:


Jun 11, 2012
How many wars did Biden start?


*cough* ukraine *cough* the fact his dusty ass literally disrupted that countries order so hunter crackhead biden could make millions at burisma amongst other things over there


Oct 8, 2014
*cough* ukraine *cough* the fact his dusty ass literally disrupted that countries order so hunter crackhead biden could make millions at burisma amongst other things over there

Didn’t Russis say they invaded to remove nazis from the country?

How did Biden bring Nazis to Ukraine?


Jun 11, 2012

Didn’t Russis say they invaded to remove nazis from the country?

How did Biden bring Nazis to Ukraine?

See my question to you is why do you talk about this subject when you CLEARLY dont even read or havent done ANY research about the ukraine war let alone joe biden? Yall dont have any shame. Bad enough the idea that someone is actually paying people on here to fangirl a politician that has done more damage than good for over 50 years.


May 10, 2012
People expending so much energy and emotion on presidents and elections is at once both funny and sad. The system BEEN subverted. Corporate donors run the country. The "revolving door" insures that crony capitalism corporatocracy carries on unabated, where former FDA staff goes to Big Pharma, former FAA staff goes to Boeing, former Treasury staff goes to Wall Street, former army officer goes to the military industrial complex. Etc.

Dude earlier talking about Biden doing good for American workers. Give me a break! So on the one hand Biden is merrily waging proxy wars that increasingly isolate the US and the West from the rest of the world, is imposing tariffs that have failed in starting up and onshoring industry while at the same time denying Americans access to cheap EVs, cheap solar energy, cheap medical drugs, but then I'm to believe that domestically Biden is for the working man! Americans are paying $700+ BILLION for prescription drugs annually. You don't have better things to spend money on huh? Same problem exists in Europe but only less extreme. Ever since China got into the medical drug game, availability of affordable medicine blown up and people in the global South are paying a fraction of what it cost in the West for the very same generic drugs. This type of thing is being repeated in every sector of the economy! Affordability is out the window, because in a financialized economy like in the West the entire point is to extract exorbitant rents from all kinds of assets, to enable obscene executive compensation and corporate profits in a giant money suck out of the economy that is hoarded in the oligarchical elite. You think these kinds of disadvantages can simply continue to pile up and you wont be left behind? The great irony here being that China does capitalism better than us, arguably better than we ever have.

Talking about PRO Act and MOUs. Documents that will not amount to a blessed thing. Wake me up when there are tangible public and private investments to increase productive industry, workforce training, economic activity that will build communities back up, or when there is campaign finance reform. When was the last time American workers had a real incontrovertible unmitigated WIN that improved their conditions?? I'll tell you, about a 100 years ago when there existed real organized labor movements that were willing to take to the streets and die trying to fight the power of corporations backed by a hostile government. Western people have been lulled to sleep thinking that casting a vote every 4 years is enough to look out for your interest. That is not how power works. Meanwhile BRICS is passing us by in development and will pull up the Global South with them, all decoupled and independent from the West, by our own doing.

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
People expending so much energy and emotion on presidents and elections is at once both funny and sad. The system BEEN subverted. Corporate donors run the country. The "revolving door" insures that crony capitalism corporatocracy carries on unabated, where former FDA staff goes to Big Pharma, former FAA staff goes to Boeing, former Treasury staff goes to Wall Street, former army officer goes to the military industrial complex. Etc.

Dude earlier talking about Biden doing good for American workers. Give me a break! So on the one hand Biden is merrily waging proxy wars that increasingly isolate the US and the West from the rest of the world, is imposing tariffs that have failed in starting up and onshoring industry while at the same time denying Americans access to cheap EVs, cheap solar energy, cheap medical drugs, but then I'm to believe that domestically Biden is for the working man! Americans are paying $700+ BILLION for prescription drugs annually. You don't have better things to spend money on huh? Same problem exists in Europe but only less extreme. Ever since China got into the medical drug game, availability of affordable medicine blown up and people in the global South are paying a fraction of what it cost in the West for the very same generic drugs. This type of thing is being repeated in every sector of the economy! Affordability is out the window, because in a financialized economy like in the West the entire point is to extract exorbitant rents from all kinds of assets, to enable obscene executive compensation and corporate profits in a giant money suck out of the economy that is hoarded in the oligarchical elite. You think these kinds of disadvantages can simply continue to pile up and you wont be left behind? The great irony here being that China does capitalism better than us, arguably better than we ever have.

Talking about PRO Act and MOUs. Documents that will not amount to a blessed thing. Wake me up when there are tangible public and private investments to increase productive industry, workforce training, economic activity that will build communities back up, or when there is campaign finance reform. When was the last time American workers had a real incontrovertible unmitigated WIN that improved their conditions?? I'll tell you, about a 100 years ago when there existed real organized labor movements that were willing to take to the streets and die trying to fight the power of corporations backed by a hostile government. Western people have been lulled to sleep thinking that casting a vote every 4 years is enough to look out for your interest. That is not how power works. Meanwhile BRICS is passing us by in development and will pull up the Global South with them, all decoupled and independent from the West, by our own doing.
The system is rigged, and corporate influence is almost insurmountable. The revolving door between government and big corporations is a real problem that we've been plagued with for a long time. But just saying, "Nothing can change" and dismissing everything as useless doesn't really accomplishe anything either. It's annoying, counterproductive, and most of all not true.

The things I mentioned are not meaningless. And while they're not everything we need, they're still meaningful steps. The labor movements you're talking about from 100 years ago? That took decades, and people organizing, striking, and putting their lives on the line. We're seeing a bit of that now, with strikes and union organizing on the rise again thanks to the strengthening of agencies like the NLRB and DOL. That real organized labor of 100 years ago was also excluding Black people from taking part.

Yeah, voting every four years by itself isn't enough. But it's one of the more crucial tools in the toolbox, and acting like it doesn't matter just hands power over to people who won't even pretend to care. Look at what happens when people check out, they give the green light for the system to get even worse. The rich love it when we think our vote means nothing. People with ulterior motives love it too, especially the weirdo campist types.

As for BRICS, let's not kid ourselves. Yeah, they're making some moves, but they're no saviors. China's got its own brand of crony capitalism going on, it's just a different flavor from what we have here. Their workers get exploited too, just like everywhere else. And thinking they're gonna save the Global South? They're still looking out for their own interests first, just like the West, and the U.S. especially. They're not some altruistic group of countries fixing global inequality. They just want to be the one turning the wheel. That's not to say that I don't support a more multi-polar world, because I do. Western hegemony needs to be weakened. However, BRICS has its own internal problems, and it's not like they're immune to the same corruption or exploitation we're fighting here, especially where Russia is concerned.. They're playing the same game, only a little differently. And you are naive to believe they're not.

Anyway, the only way we're gonna see real change is if people stay involved, organize to demand more and better from the state, and don't just write everything off as mattering.

Oh, and fukk off. Use the goddamn @ feature next time.


Jul 15, 2012
Detroit You bytch Ass nikka
The system is rigged, and corporate influence is almost insurmountable. The revolving door between government and big corporations is a real problem that we've been plagued with for a long time. But just saying, "Nothing can change" and dismissing everything as useless doesn't really accomplishe anything either. It's annoying, counterproductive, and most of all not true.

The things I mentioned are not meaningless. And while they're not everything we need, they're still meaningful steps. The labor movements you're talking about from 100 years ago? That took decades, and people organizing, striking, and putting their lives on the line. We're seeing a bit of that now, with strikes and union organizing on the rise again thanks to the strengthening of agencies like the NLRB and DOL. That real organized labor of 100 years ago was also excluding Black people from taking part.

Yeah, voting every four years by itself isn't enough. But it's one of the more crucial tools in the toolbox, and acting like it doesn't matter just hands power over to people who won't even pretend to care. Look at what happens when people check out, they give the green light for the system to get even worse. The rich love it when we think our vote means nothing. People with ulterior motives love it too, especially the weirdo campist types.

As for BRICS, let's not kid ourselves. Yeah, they're making some moves, but they're no saviors. China's got its own brand of crony capitalism going on, it's just a different flavor from what we have here. Their workers get exploited too, just like everywhere else. And thinking they're gonna save the Global South? They're still looking out for their own interests first, just like the West, and the U.S. especially. They're not some altruistic group of countries fixing global inequality. They just want to be the one turning the wheel. That's not to say that I don't support a more multi-polar world, because I do. Western hegemony needs to be weakened. However, BRICS has its own internal problems, and it's not like they're immune to the same corruption or exploitation we're fighting here, especially where Russia is concerned.. They're playing the same game, only a little differently. And you are naive to believe they're not.

Anyway, the only way we're gonna see real change is if people stay involved, organize to demand more and better from the state, and don't just write everything off as mattering.

Oh, and fukk off. Use the goddamn @ feature next time.
If a strong leader killed 3-5 billionaires I GUARANTEE they would fall in line instead of trying to fight against a government that would hunt them down 🤷🏾‍♂️


Oct 8, 2014
See my question to you is why do you talk about this subject when you CLEARLY dont even read or havent done ANY research about the ukraine war let alone joe biden? Yall dont have any shame. Bad enough the idea that someone is actually paying people on here to fangirl a politician that has done more damage than good for over 50 years.
You haven’t provided any sources to back up your claims.

I’m open to the information… I just think if you post where you’re getting it from you’ll be exposed
