Jordan Poole and Warriors agree to 4yr/$140M extension


I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush
Nobody is saying you can't hold him accountable. The issue is y'all trying to push him out the door without any regards to what he's done for this franchise, and the value he has.

All the while falling over yourselves to gas up that bum whose government name might as well be DNP at this point.

The evil part of me hopes that y'all get your wish, and you have to put up the likes of Wiseman being the last line of defense, and getting bundled out in the first round because of it. Only then will y'all truly understand and appreciate what Draymond has done for y'all squad.

Fam we ain’t pushing him no where.. Folk see the writing on the wall that is all.. Ww know what dray meant to this franchise but when enough is enough? Knocking out a teammate bro? You subscribe to that? Dray literally made Meyers and Lacob decision that much easier extending Poole and Wigs…

I hope dray stays but he has. I choice but to opt in and get is 25m

As far is Wise-man? He’s kinda proving you wrong right now with his play..
Apr 30, 2012
We said all he has to do is screen and roll.. Grab rebs and clean up in the paint.. so far so far…
Regardless, of where his play at right now, don't try to come with this "he's proving you wrong with his play" shyt as if he wasn't drafted #2 overall and was supposed to be a centrepiece of this squad. Anything less than living up to that is only proving me right.

He's incredibly fortunate that he landed in GS, otherwise, almost every other team would've given up on him already.


One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
Apr 1, 2013
New York City
Totally forgot about the Clippers, but also I wouldn't necessarily lump them in the same group as the Warriors considering that team wasn't built through the draft nor have the young talent that the Clippers do that they'll have to make those type of financial decisions on who to keep/not to keep.

Even then, it's only so long that Ballmer is going to keep paying that type of luxury tax bread for a team that isn't sniffing even close to a championship.
This is contract year Kawhi…. They are competing for a chip.


Mar 11, 2022
Mr. Boxscoreman, you don't know what it is you're watching.

I don't know why y'all keep thinking them extending Poole has anything to do Draymond's future on this squad.

Poole is the transition from Steph and Klay; he's the only true guard they have in that capacity to take over from them. Draymond's value to them is irrelevant to Poole's, especially since one is only just starting his career and the other is near the end of his. If the Warriors believe they can replace what Draymond does for them, than they'll move him on, otherwise, they'll work towards an agreement to keep him.

What really is apparent - Kyrie's not going to LA.


Their "best wing" is only relative to the now.

It's not really saying much when Kuminga and Moody are both 20, and Iggy is 38. Wiggins doesn't do anything, at all, that can't be replicated by the collective. They've built a dynasty with three core pieces, none of which are wings; that position has been in constant rotation, and if they intend to keep Klay past next season, than there's really no point in keeping Wiggins too.

Klay can moonlight at the 3 until Kuminga and/or Moody are ready to take over, which will/should be sooner rather than later.


Mar 11, 2022
Mr. Boxscoreman, you don't know what it is you're watching.

I don't know why y'all keep thinking them extending Poole has anything to do Draymond's future on this squad.

Poole is the transition from Steph and Klay; he's the only true guard they have in that capacity to take over from them. Draymond's value to them is irrelevant to Poole's, especially since one is only just starting his career and the other is near the end of his. If the Warriors believe they can replace what Draymond does for them, than they'll move him on, otherwise, they'll work towards an agreement to keep him.

What really is apparent - Kyrie's not going to LA.
Sigh. Cats really think being a Draymond fan makes them Tex Winter overnight. Dude there is nothing about this game you’re seeing that others don’t. Stop it

Bottom line there is no Draymond if not for the people filling up the bOxScoRe. So, I respect the shooter. And clearly so does GS :heh:

And , uh, yea they don’t have infinite funds and Poole was the least valuable out of Klay, wiggins, and Poole, so Poole’s extension is OBVIOUSLY tied to Poole and it means Draymond is not getting paid. Plus the timing was a message.

Edit: they just extended Wiggins too :laff:

Apr 30, 2012
Sigh. Cats really think being a Draymond fan makes them Tex Winter overnight. Dude there is nothing about this game you’re seeing that others don’t. Stop it

Bottom line there is no Draymond if not for the people filling up the bOxScoRe. So, I respect the shooter. And clearly so does GS :heh:

And , uh, yea they don’t have infinite funds and Poole was the least valuable out of Klay, wiggins, and Poole, so Poole’s extension is OBVIOUSLY tied to Poole and it means Draymond is not getting paid. Plus the timing was a message.
For your own good, please stop talking hoops. It ain't for you.


p.s. Kyrie's still not in LA.


Mar 11, 2022
For your own good, please stop talking hoops. It ain't for you.


p.s. Kyrie's still not in LA.
:laff: Ngga are you high…and what does Kyrie have to do with this…my man I’m gonna need you to make a cogent point or stfu. Draymond is clearly not getting paid, made even more comically clear w/ wiggins getting re-signed mid-‘debate’ 🤣 You just too stubborn to admit you wrong. Nggas make bad takes everyday b it’ll be okay
Apr 30, 2012
:laff: Ngga are you high…and what does Kyrie have to do with this…my man I’m gonna need you to make a cogent point or stfu. Draymond is clearly not getting paid, made even more comically clear w/ wiggins getting re-signed mid-‘debate’ 🤣 You just too stubborn to admit you wrong. Nggas make bad takes everyday b it’ll be okay
Regardless of Draymond staying on this team past this season or not, it still doesn't take away from all that nonsense you said about his game in your initial post. Talking about Looney is every bit of defender as he is, and that Wiggins can replace what he does defensively, and even had the nerve to bring up Wiseman. You have absolutely no cotdamn idea of what you're talking about, which was made apparent to me the first time I saw you post on here.

Again, until this franchise believes they can replace what Draymond does for them (and that's NOT with Looney and Wiggins), than they'll work out how to keep him (most likely on a discounted deal, in similar vein to Wiggins). Management has already made it known they're willing to eat luxury tax as long as this team is winning. Draymond will be expendable either once they can get someone to become him, or they acknowledge their current championship window is over and rebuild with the young guys.

They're not going to get rid of him for the sake of like y'all hope they do. They haven't built this dynasty working that way.

Kyrie has everything to do with this, because your coward ass still hasn't showing up for that dumb shyt you said when I called you out. You're still trying to hide from that thread when I pointed that shyt out to you and you didn't wanna listen. Quite obviously what you think is "comically clear" and what is reality, are two entirely different things.
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