JonBenet Ramsey, so it was the parents?


Apr 15, 2015
I don't even know the details of teh ransom note except we're supposed to believe the parents wrote it, yet the PD can't prove they wrote it? That should've been exhibit A in a conviction if what they're claiming is so legit.

Remember that whenever there's a high profile crime, most of the information the press is reporting comes from law enforcement. They get to tell their story and the defense only gets to refute their claims in a trial. So, for the year leading up to that trial, reporters are just spitting out what the PD is telling them.

Just a couple years ago, the Ramseys were basically exonerated in teh press now some salty old detective tired of getting clowned on is showing up to say otherwise? :foh:
All the evidence and theories point to some degree of fukkery with her parents...u coming with a theory going against the grain u gotta show more evidence.
If someone else broke in and put her in the basement you'd expect the parents to at least search the entire house and outside before declaring her missing for starters

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God


May 26, 2012
San Diego
No disrespect but why post all that and not just go into what you think happen .

This is a discussion forum breh .

People are posting links and evidence some of us never heard of .
I'm probably not gonna read that book my dude .

But I did like your post and would appreciate further insight .

@eastside313, nah I have never seen an episode, but I believe it is somewhat based on the guy whose work I have read, and his division. Girls always that recommend to me, it's probably a little procedural for me.

I was not trying to be coy, or shamelessly promoting that book (The Jon Benet chapter is less then 100 pages, though)....I also realize that those that have a hardline stance on the conspiracy theories, or government nonsense, are unlikely to be convinced by anything else, despite how reasonable or accurate, it may be, so I didn't wan't to launch into some detailed breakdown, grandstanding on everyone....Honestly, if someone with a reasonable open mind, and no bias, researches the case, and some background on child lust murders/pedophilia, they will have their answer.....I just wanted anyone interested to reach the conclusion on their own, when I was young, all I was familiar with was the media coverage, and those tabloids, I used to read while my Mom got her hair done, so I had a bias, I thought the parents did it, but I knew it was somewhat a mystery.... granted I was just 14.

The parents did not, and could not, have committed that crime....and Douglas, is very up front that he was contacted by the Ramsey's, he discusses it at length. however I do not believe he was paid, though I am no 100% on that. Furthermore, the man has investigated, and helped solve dozens of the most vicious crimes, many against children, the most repulsive, disturbing crimes, imaginable..He is not going to look the other way on a child murder for a severance fee. It jus goes against everything available we have to judge his character. See, conspiracy theorists, work on this flawed system where ANYTHING is possible, and the anythings usually depend on the narrative they are constructing....Thats not how criminal investigations work. Data, statistics, science, and human behavior is how they solve cases, I get legit frustrated with the devout conspiracy theorists, I was surprised to see people in here agreeing with what I was saying.
May 1, 2012
Just being honest due to my own experiences. I've been through too much, seen too many things align that only make sense in hindsight, and have had things not happen that directly opened up doors for a greater opportunity than what I had. So I try to just roll with the day to day and not stress too much on what does or does not happen. It'll work out, somehow someway.

Reminds me of a quote I once read and never forgot. "Don't stress the could haves. If it should have, it would have."
I was looking up places in TriBeCa just out of curiosity than the next thing I know the tv show I'm watching has a scene talking about TriBeCa :damn: what does it mean :ohhh:


May 9, 2012
@eastside313, nah I have never seen an episode, but I believe it is somewhat based on the guy whose work I have read, and his division. Girls always that recommend to me, it's probably a little procedural for me.

I was not trying to be coy, or shamelessly promoting that book (The Jon Benet chapter is less then 100 pages, though)....I also realize that those that have a hardline stance on the conspiracy theories, or government nonsense, are unlikely to be convinced by anything else, despite how reasonable or accurate, it may be, so I didn't wan't to launch into some detailed breakdown, grandstanding on everyone....Honestly, if someone with a reasonable open mind, and no bias, researches the case, and some background on child lust murders/pedophilia, they will have their answer.....I just wanted anyone interested to reach the conclusion on their own, when I was young, all I was familiar with was the media coverage, and those tabloids, I used to read while my Mom got her hair done, so I had a bias, I thought the parents did it, but I knew it was somewhat a mystery.... granted I was just 14.

The parents did not, and could not, have committed that crime....and Douglas, is very up front that he was contacted by the Ramsey's, he discusses it at length. however I do not believe he was paid, though I am no 100% on that. Furthermore, the man has investigated, and helped solve dozens of the most vicious crimes, many against children, the most repulsive, disturbing crimes, imaginable..He is not going to look the other way on a child murder for a severance fee. It jus goes against everything available we have to judge his character. See, conspiracy theorists, work on this flawed system where ANYTHING is possible, and the anythings usually depend on the narrative they are constructing....Thats not how criminal investigations work. Data, statistics, science, and human behavior is how they solve cases, I get legit frustrated with the devout conspiracy theorists, I was surprised to see people in here agreeing with what I was saying.
yo can u just tell us what the guy said in the book:dead:
all the other stuff in unnecessary

Kasper KArr

Go-getter from the Lower East Side
Dec 17, 2014
"Coincidences" like this are why I believe in synchronicity and manifesting occurrences simply by calling attention to them. It may sound new age, but if you pay attention, there really is such thing as law of attraction. I don't think anything is an accident and I don't believe in coincidences. We just don't know the why or how.
Hey I'm trying to PM you about law of attraction and just other stuff you mentioned in this post! Can you PM me? It doesn't allow me to do so!


May 26, 2012
San Diego
yo can u just tell us what the guy said in the book:dead:
all the other stuff in unnecessary

There is no specific suspect mentioned, or punchline, 'got you''s just an analysis. It was, based on the evidence, the crime scene, the facts, an outside intruder,( inexperienced, mission orientated offender, perhaps known by the Ramseys) who broke in through the window of the small room below the house, (or gained access with a key, a door may have been unlocked) took Jon Benet from her bedroom, possibly with a stun gun, sexually assaulted her in the basement, she was killed by asphxiya by strangulation, and a blow to the head,(7 by 4 inch hemmorage on her scalp) with a blunt object (associated cause of death). The garotte found around her neck was part of a paintbrush handle from a kit in the basement. Ligature marks around her hands. Her hymen was not intact and there were abrasions around her vagina. This would be someone with a personal grudge against the Ramseys, a white male in his 20's, or 30's.

You Win Perfect

bow down
Jan 31, 2013
No disrespect but why post all that and not just go into what you think happen .

This is a discussion forum breh .

People are posting links and evidence some of us never heard of .
I'm probably not gonna read that book my dude .

But I did like your post and would appreciate further insight .
all he did was pretty much sum up what he read on the wikipedia page in his post. everything he wrote can be found in that wikipedia link.

Geek Nasty

Brain Knowledgeably Whizzy
Jan 30, 2015
South Kakalaka
There is no specific suspect mentioned, or punchline, 'got you''s just an analysis. It was, based on the evidence, the crime scene, the facts, an outside intruder,( inexperienced, mission orientated offender, perhaps known by the Ramseys) who broke in through the window of the small room below the house, (or gained access with a key, a door may have been unlocked) took Jon Benet from her bedroom, possibly with a stun gun, sexually assaulted her in the basement, she was killed by asphxiya by strangulation, and a blow to the head,(7 by 4 inch hemmorage on her scalp) with a blunt object (associated cause of death). The garotte found around her neck was part of a paintbrush handle from a kit in the basement. Ligature marks around her hands. Her hymen was not intact and there were abrasions around her vagina. This would be someone with a personal grudge against the Ramseys, a white male in his 20's, or 30's.

This reminded me of another detail. BTW, those 2 pedos were white males in their 20s. But I think one of them came into contact with the Ramseys by being on some kind of home renovation crew.