Johnathan is a great man doing great things for his culture and these c00ns and cacs are trying to tear him down.
c00ns like @TexasMandingo,undercover pawg lover. Whos really just mad JM unlifted the veil on crazy white women. "Bu bu but our white women are so agreeable

I couldnt be more happy for this brother. He was obviously unfullfilled with mostly being known by white people,and having a white woman. You could tell he was loving every moment of finally being accepted and shown love for his craft by the black masses when Creed/Antman dropped around the same time. THats when he realized what he could be for black people as an icon. Thats when he start taking himself seriously,and realized this raggedy white woman had to go. She could never be Corretta,she could never be Michelle. He even probably saw her bum ass offended he asked her nobody ass to try to reach the levels of grace of those women. In her mind shes white,so her existing is already seen as more pristine than the first black First lady of the U.s/wife of a civil rights martyr. God works through people,used this white woman to push him into the arms of a black woman