I don't think I've ever been more disgusted with an athlete in my life. I mean it ain't like I know dude personally but I was invested in him being the true GOAT.
Now I'm wondering if he been doping his whole career. Probably I suspect.
they might as well burn that contract*
whatever the case he should just go elsewhereWhy? So that he can bring tons of viewership to the competition (Bellator)?
Edit: Even if the UFC decides to release him and he signs with Bellator. Commissions uphold suspensions amongst each other. So that means he can't fight in the US at all. He would have to fight overseas if he signed with Bellator. Even then, the commissions would not be happy if Jon was signed and allowed to fight while being suspended.
if hes banned for life tho wouldn't that be the end of the contract? Imagine him just ruling bellator for the next 15 years.
This. I shrugged all of his bullshyt off over the past couple of years. Even the suspension last year.
He finally disappointed me and I gotta give that title back to Anderson.
U know anderson got popped a year ago too right ?