Jon Jones has been on PED since day one. Crazy how naive the general public areFor what it's worth
Victor Conte: Jon Jones’ Low Testosterone Levels Before UFC 182 ‘Highly Suspicious’
Victor Conte: Jon Jones’ Low Testosterone Levels Before UFC 182 ‘Highly Suspicious’
I don't care how FOOKIN' perspective and objective this dude is being. He's shown time and time again that he's a FOOKIN' P.O.S. like everybody elseTrue, but in this video he's explicitly talking from the perspective of someone who knows all about PEDs and the PED world. He's not going on a self righteous moral crusade, he's saying "as a roider myself, I know that a, b and c is due to..."
I don't care how FOOKIN' perspective and objective this dude is being. He's shown time and time again that he's a FOOKIN' P.O.S. like everybody else
This doesnt make any sense. I believe he was set up.
This is from his striking coach Frank Lester:
- He tests clean all camp
- The day before the fight he uses a steroid that won't benifit him
- He takes this steroid knowing he will be tested the next day
Nah it doesn't add up.
It is nonetheless important to note that USADA blood screenings do not test for Turinabol, thus the July 29 test would not have discovered any trace of Turinabol in Jones’ system.