they didn't use that argument for invading iraq. they argued a connection between al qaeda (a connection that was never even remotely verified) and the development of nuclear/chemical arms - which, to this day, have not been located. we have evidence that syria just gassed thousands of innocents. intelligence agencies from britain, israel, and the us confirm this. we have the videos of the dead and inspectors who have confirmed that chemical agents were used in the massacre.
this is entirely different, and any attempt to argue similarities between gwb and obama in this regard is laughable on its face. i'm not an obama apologist, but i'm not going to just sit here and accept specious links between the clear lies peddled by the bush administration and obama's response to a recent chemical warfare attack by syria.
Let me ask you a question. How come we have been silent when 100,000+ people have been killed by conventional weapons, but when chemical weapons are used to kill 400 people now we are outraged? Not to mention that we don't know who actually used chemical weapons.
I don't get it. It's seems highly arbitrary especially in light of our complicity in Iraq's use of chemical weapons during the Iran-Iraq war in the 80s. Or our use of agent orange in Vietnam.
Like Bush said, Fool me once......I can't be fooled again.