He is going to sniff that realm and you're going to have no choice but to deal with it.
Lol yeah okay.. when that happens my man ..let me know
He is going to sniff that realm and you're going to have no choice but to deal with it.
Lol yeah okay.. when that happens my man ..let me know
Who are you? Doesnt matter who he had to work with, thats not what I was speaking off.. my point is he isnt on that tier or class of those 3..and their persistence to continually try and place him in that stratus is what ultimately killed the product cold..So who is? In his era you had Miz, sheamus, Umaga , Rusev Randy , Edge ,HHH, Carlito and HBK. He feud with JBL and Bautista. The man worked with what he had.
I gave up on the product around 2010 keep up with some news that's about it lol.His presence alone killed the product. Corny all around. Guys trying put him on that Hogan Austin Rock tier..they actually elevated the program and the box office and ratings reflected that plus people actually wanted them on top. Cena was jeered in almost every town they went, the ratings declined almost every year he was on top.. so much so they had to resort to gimmick shows like celebrity guests host and giving away money..He is a C list talent more in line with a Triple H or Bret Hart than the top 3 goats..he aint sniffing that realm.
Transcendent? You out your damn mind..look at Hogan..Austin..Rock..THOSE are transcendent stars that are bigger than wrestling.. Cena has never been on that level ever.. when did he take the product to new heights and produce anything close to a boom period? He had the opposite effect if anything killing ratings and driving interest AWAY from the product ..guy was ass in the ring and corny as hell with that marine nonsense..you can like him but dont act like he is anywhere near Rock Hogan or Austin.I have to staunchly disagree
From about 08 - 11 yes the character was stale. But I can't remember anybody Vince hasn't left stale, because he's just not qualified to produce weekly television anymore. If you want to talk about the intangible "X factor", Cena has it. He's a clumsy wrestler who dresses like a 5 year old to the ring and has somehow made it work for 15 years, putting on more great matches than Stone Cold, Rock, and Hogan ever did. No doubt he was corny but he was an actor on a produced TV show, you can't only blame him for stupid shyt but then hold Vince accountable for all of the other creative shortcomings.
From 2012 after he was doing the best work of his career and turned into this mythical figure who defied conventional wisdom. Even from 05 - 07 he was earning stripes as a top guy and having great matches on the regular. Did he tune people out? Most casuals left in 02 and the internet beards who cared enough to pop blood vessels over Cena didn't actually go anywhere.
Cena made a career out of turning feces into gold. Stone Cold and Rock had success built in to their characters. Cena was a gimmicky rapper turned stupid Marine Superman who wrestles in jorts, and still carried the decaying product for 10 years.
Call the last transcendent star of the business a "C list talent". The ratings were declining for years before he became a top guy. There's also no logic in holding both the entire success and failings of the company accountable on one performer.
He is going to sniff that realm and you're going to have no choice but to deal with it.
He's only the closest thing cause they refused to push anybody else. Actually cm punk was closer. They shoved him down our throats nonstop () for years at the expense of the rest of the roster. He gave the same tired underdog promo every week even though he was never the underdog. They jobbed everybody out to him. He wasn't underappreciated at all.
Kept this bum ass sport relevant for years while everything was in the shytter
the only one that is kind of similar was rock. people had an inkling that he was leaving but no real confirmation.I have never seen a former top top guy phased out like Cena was..weird.