Betrayals?!Y’all keep bigging her up.
y’all think she’s invisible. Nobody has ever moved like her. She tried to remove multiple democrats nation-wide, with little to no success.
No one has ever done that. Y’all think those politicians and their allies are just going to accept that behavior?
Ppl just lying in wait, ready to give back the bullshyt she gave out. If u honestly believe that’s not going to happen, you’re just putting your head In The sand.
No one does what she did for a reason.
Honest question. Do u really think ppl are going to take her attacks and betrayals, and not do anything back when it’s her turn? Serious question.

It’s not like she’s getting personal with other politicians, she mostly goes at their records. She goes harder on republicans anyway.
for the many that hate her their have been many that have jumped on her bandwagon. This is her first term in Congress and she’s only 28 so she’s still learning how to move in a city full of sharks. I’m pretty sure she’ll learn the ropes.