i don't know what's funnier, the fact that you think president stormy daniels would/could attack kamala harris about willie brown, or the fact that you think i'm the one who's mad when warren and bernie were the losers
yeah I forgot, Trump being a racist and writing that op-ed about the central park 5 stopped him from attacking Hillary and the Democrats on the racism/superpredator/crime bill front
Trump and the GOP don't give a shyt about logical or moral consistency, they keep running that dumbass "Democrats are the party of slavery, Republicans are the party of Lincoln" line, they're going to attack Joe on the crime bill. Attacking Kamala on Willie Brown is 100% something Parscale and the MAGA apparatus will attempt if she's Joe's running mate. I'm not saying it will be decisive or successful, but they're going to try it, and Stormy Daniels ain't stopping that. Just like Trump's rape accusations didn't stop him from attacking Bill/Hillary on that front and won't stop him from attacking Joe on Tara Reade.
Stop making decisions based on fear of Trump. He's gonna do what he's gonna do regardless. Biden winning or losing won't depend on the VP choice (assuming he's still alive on election day).