the next guy
For me, if you waited 26 years to come out then come out.
But clearly her motives are political based on her on words, she doesn't like the Uncle Joe Image.
She's also a Bernie or buster.
So we just going to believe that neighbour she told him?
Story is all over the place.
Her story is all over the place. She didnt say anything because she had too much respect for Biden. Ok, so why say anything now? That Larry King shyt is vague as hell. I don't know who the neighbor is, but Im automatically suspicious when she calls herself a Biden supporter. B1tch u aint no damn supporter. These fukkin Bernouts really trying to get fukked up out here.
It's about as all over the place as Blasey Ford. Again, is this enough not to vote for Biden? No. But I think something happened here.