Kilgore Trout
Biden been a creep
Trump 2020
Trump 2020
"It's just the flu."This will die a quick death if Bernie supporters start trying to run with it. A building could be on fire but if they are the ones to pull the fire alarm, most people are going to ignore it.
This will die a quick death if Bernie supporters start trying to run with it. A building could be on fire but if they are the ones to pull the fire alarm, most people are going to ignore it.
Whether the story goes big in the media or not, what if it's true?It's already dead since it involved people like Katie Halper and Krystal Ball no one takes them seriously.
Whether the story goes big in the media or not, what if it's true?
I'm afraid I have some bad news for you about Joe Biden's record on race relations.
Then it will be a choice between 2 rapists and I prefer the one that isn't a white supremacist.
This will die a quick death if Bernie supporters start trying to run with it. A building could be on fire but if they are the ones to pull the fire alarm, most people are going to ignore it.
What if Bernie's Sanders's wife actually committed fraud at the school she was an administrator?Whether the story goes big in the media or not, what if it's true?
You're seeing red rose twitter, the bernie or busters, demexit accounts tweeting it out
Bernie campaign isn't going to touch it. Notice the Sirotas and Briahnas haven't tweeted about it? Bernie and Jane look like they are personally muzzling any crazy shid from campaign staffers shytting on Biden.
FraudWhat if Bernie's Sanders's wife actually committed fraud at the school she was an administrator?
Would we want those kinds of folks in the White House?
Joe Biden: When a woman alleges sexual assault, presume she is telling the truth
Speaking generally, Biden added, “For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real, whether or not she forgets facts, whether or not it’s been made worse or better over time. But nobody fails to understand that this is like jumping into a cauldron.”
Because it's a Republican smear campaign and they waited to see who would run against trump to launch the why didn't this accusation come out when biden first announced he was running.....?