Joe Biden announces he is running for relection in 2024. Shadroom comments want Trump back.

Oct 22, 2017
All stemmed from Trump and the waning years of white supremacy.

All of the problems you see today can be pinpointed mostly by the rise of MAGA.

Stop pigeonhole these arguments like a 9th grade dropout with little outside education, and stop being vague. All that leads is losing lawsuits to Dominion and leads you to self destructing like DeSantis and running scared like Clarence Thomas.
come on. i’m as well versed on the particulars of our electoral landscape as anyone here. let’s not act as if i haven’t read shelves of books that describe the corporatist state both parties are vying to control and maintain.

if anyone has an unlearned perspective, it’s the people that think there’s salvation in a vote for joe biden.

also, you can’t be serious in thinking the state of our country and its slide into a neoliberal hellscape stemmed from trump. this is a plan that has been in motion since nixon took office, taking flight after reagan was elected.



Jul 25, 2018
This old fukk should’ve been spending the last 4 years prepping a successor that hasn’t been demonized for 20 years. Democrats have failed us once again.

And look at the typical MAGA republican nikkas who dapped this shyt. As if there is a Democrat they like. As if there is a single Democrat alive they would not demonize as a covert white supremacist, a groomer and sex offender, "doesn't give a fukk about black Americans" and all the other battery powered talking points about Democrays we've been hearing a thousand times from internet militants

Don't worry about who we liberals nominate or how old the motherfukker is. Worry about the other side that isn't even remotely open to any options than either a second term for complete loser Trump, or book banning third reich Deklantis. Two compeletely incompetent white power fascist psychos who are going to surely lose.


Jul 25, 2018
If Trump gets the idea that he's about to get bodied in the polls by Biden in 2024 do you think he declines to run at the last second to avoid the embarrassment?

Additionally, people bringing up Biden's age but Trump is only 3 years younger :mjlol:

The psychopath will run and claim the election was stolen all over again if he has to. In fact if he loses could he run again for 2028? I'm genuinely wondering the rules on that one. Cus if this clown is allowed to keep the Republican party hostage and run over and over and over again until he finally drops dead, then i doubt he will ever be too embarrassed for the attention.

And most of the "zomg Biden so old. Trump was great" haters don't know shyt about politics, don't engage with it for themselves, repeat what others say, and are just hopping on bandwagon that make them appear engaged while being not. Of course they are oblivious to the fact that Trump is hardly older than Biden.

Like someone earlier in the thread said, the whole "be politically contrarian for attention" shyt in the black community is so tired and dumb. No Biden is not the world's most incompetent President, and no Trump was not some misunderstood achiever who "understands the economy." when I hear shyt like that it just kills me but you hear this shallow shyt all the time from barbershop type nighas who don't even vote, thank God.


Jul 25, 2018
I am not suprised by the reaction tbh. The average voter want to see their life improved and when they look around housing is getting more expensive, inflation is insane, healthcare sucks, education cost is insane, gun violence and what not....Thats what got Trump out of office in 2020 along with his personality.

Is the average voter unaware? of course they are. Thats why its the duty of the politician who wants their votes to appeal to them....but when they go on "urban media" all they talk about is how they have hot sauce in their bag or who their top 5 favorite rappers are. People should go after their favorite politicians for sucking ass at convincing voters.

When Hillary Clinton was running the Barack Ovama economy was soaring, millions of Americans who did not have Healthcare before Obama now did thanks to his administration, we saw more college graduates--especially minorities--than ever before.

And black folks like in thee shaderoom comments section still completely disregarded facts, bought into a bunch of political propaganda not even being produced in Ameri a about "the corrupt Clintons" and Donald Trump being this noble persecuted hero, and pretended to be wildly offended about everything and anything Hillary Clinton does; then called this shyt "free thinking."

So no, how great everyone's quality of life is has nothing to do with how eager some black folks are to be Republicans. A Democrat can rescue the economy from oblivion, as Biden is accomplishing right now, but all A Republican has to do is exist, be as racist as they claim Democrats, and rile up some culture war over gays and children to have the smart dumb shaderoom commenter and barbershop nikkas talking about "maaaaan I'm voting for Trump. fukk Democrats maaan." If Americans really payed attention to the economy like that the Republican party woulda went extinct after 2009... certainly after Covid ...and a white power right winger would never be trusted as President again.

The whole "Americans pay attention to the economy" shyt has always been a sorry talking point to explain racist, bigoted America's poor choice of leadership. Americans don't know shyt about economics and can be easily manipulated to vote against their own interest. Easily.


Jul 25, 2018
Democrats are asking to lose. :manny: Folks didn't want Biden but voted for him cause they didn't want Trump. The people said early on they didn't want K. Harris when she ran. Now the establishment thinks the American people will vote for them a second time. I really think they either don't give a shyt or really think people are that dumb.

Biden and Harris were both the leading nominees within the primaries. Folks didn't want them but voted overwhelmingly for them.

"The establishment" didn't choose anybody. The voters did. Go find Tucker Carlson at the uneemmployment line and give him his right wing conspiracies back.

Yall spit this same shyt in 2019 and watched a totally sharp Biden and Harris make Trump and Pence look like asses on the debate stage

Yall spit this same shyt in 2020 and saw Biden win Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin...

Yall spit this same shyt in 2022 and watched Democrats keep the Senate and take Governor races across the country.

And yall still spitting the same shyt leading to 2024 as if literally every economic marker ain't way up since we kicked fat b*stard out, and these Republicans aint losing moderate voters at breakneck speed throwing a failed indicted criminal and his aspiring fascist apologist from Florida down our throats.

They give a shyt and they know exactly what they're doing. Its actually Republicans about to embarrass themselves all over again thanks once again to big baby Donald Trump. It doesn't make sense to you because you clearly get all your views and commentary from people who also don't know shyt about politics.


Jul 25, 2018
i remember somebody said get trump off twitter before he gets us into ww3

lol. twitter

biden been dropping anti black policies like mixtapes for over 40 years. we're not stupid

anybody here get student loan forgiveness? how were those taxes this year?

Please list all these anti-black policies Biden has dropped.

I'll wait.

Also, are you referring to the student loan forgiveness being held up in court by Donald Trump appointed Republican judges. Specifically for its Pell grants benefits that largely go to the black community, you fukking idiot?

BiDeN bEeN dRoPpInG tHeM aNtI BlAcK pOlIcIEs. TrUmP wAS gReT 4 Us!!

Nice little Trump apologist quip there btw. Let's not confuse you for anything but an enlightened dude courageous enough to be critical of Democrats though.

At this point you gotta make a list of the "independent thinking" black folks who AREN'T misinformed Donald Trump dikk riders.
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Jul 25, 2018
it actually is
the average black person are in those comments

it was super trump negative when trump was president
now its super biden positive
biden looks super weak compared to trump
joe needs to stand down and let someone else run for dems or its over

The average black person doesn't vote, so their barber talk babble and no action doesn't mean shyt.

People who actually vote are actually informed and invested in their government and will not be voting for a second term for Donald Trump. When election day rolls around the people in the internet comments boxes will be home and 90% of people heading to the polls will not vote for Donald fukking Trump. Sorry to reveal that my Blacks For Trump friend. Republicans are still trapped in their own extremism and ignorance. Keep living in MAGA dream wotwo. Biden cruising through a bettterr economy and a more extreme Donald Trump party right along to term two.


Him Downstairs
May 1, 2012
Retarded ass country not only knows that both Biden and Trump ain't shyt but what are we gonna do with this knowledge?

Let them run it into the ground.


Mar 24, 2014
my vote is depending on the student loan forgiveness
I feel like he used us
get that sh!t done joe or else I am sitting out on the next election

Ive long made peace with the fact I'm just not paying back anything..fukk I look like paying back a student loan Im already using to pay taxes with.. :unimpressed:


Jul 25, 2018
I think 2024 is when I retire from this forum:ehh:
Between that call center inevitability spamming content
Mudslinging from bothsides
Using MAGA and c00n for just asking questions about Plantation Joes platform and rhetoric
Wanting actual tangibles for black Americans and not lip service/hot sauce in my bag/saxophone playing/dancing like a teletubby with candidates/not going to make policies just for black people but sign legislation for a segment of the population that rarely votes democrat in the first and uphold that black people are terrorist to a certain ethnic enclave
This place will be fukking insufferable
It’s not like you nikkas don’t tell on y’all selves everyday anyway
And even the most liberal posters on here
Get real conservative when it comes to government spending/ help for the people
Those stimmy threads proved that
Right along with loan forgiveness thread
You nikkas are fake, frauds and all the time broads

I found some places where I think you'll find people more agreeable to your opinion, as a black man:

They'd love to hear your story of how you were so alienated by the rampant liberalism of your peers, and how the Democrats use us for and do nothing for the black community. Hell, Ben Shapiro might actually hire you to be another black shill who "left the plantation." Why just ramble here when you can get bread? I feel you.


Jul 25, 2018
@Billy Ocean, Why are you such a fakkit? If you're unable to hold a civilized discourse, just say that. :mjlol:

This MAGA clown blames Democrats and Joe Biden for the actions of the Republicans she supports. Asks how voting for them will stop her white supremacist party from passing white supremacist legislation. Gets a straight answer as to why these Jim Crow Republican laws are coming about and how a second term for Biden can reverse the course of our courts and our laws. Pivots to some nonsense about old Jewish ladies and Obama not doing imaginary things and not being guilty to vote against white supremacist laws.

Demands civilized discourse.

This is what these fools call "just asking questions" that they're not allowed to ask ny the mean ole liberals.

But don't mistake her for a disingenuous MAGA Trump supporter though. What would give you that impression?

Carl Tethers

@mastermind is OVO
May 3, 2012
:shaq: Yes. Breh, don't you see that MAGA is back like it never left? The MAGA brehs just been biden (:lolbron: ) our time, waiting on election time to roll around.

By next year, you're gonna see a full scale campaign on the coli to persuade Black people to not vote. We gon take advantage of every gaffe that Biden makes, and when Trump does something worse, we ain't gon talk about that just like we don't talk about Bruno :birdman:

We running the same playbook as last time :banderas:

We will be protected by mods, we got sleeper cells, we everywhere like Hydra :banderas:

Not this time. The Biden Defense Force will be operating in full-effect - and I'm baselessly accusing anybody who goes against us as being a homosexual :birdman: