You can like Jinder all u want...Cesaro is not damn coasting. He's held down in a tag team and they don't want to put him over as a singles because it would get as over as it did in 2014 when the fans turned him face after WM XXX.I don't know why people are legitimately mad about Jinder being champion. Yeah, he may have been a lower mid-carder at best before this feud, but he did work hard to improve himself. Guys like Sami Zayn & Cesaro are coasting. I could argue Kofi deserves that spot more than Jinder, but it is what it is. People point & say he's an unsafe worker, but there was really only one gaffe with him knocking out Balor. shyt happens. It happened three times with Rollins, but no one is calling for his spot in the main event.
I'm still reserving judgment on Jinder, but he's definitely one of the bright spots of Smackdown right now
Sasha isn't coasting because Alicia Fox went over...shes just being booked down to make Alexa and Bayley stand out. They've been doing that for years except for certain guys. Jeff Hard is coasting..not Cesaro...a Guy who outworked everyone last month with ease. There is no one in the E who does more challenging spots and can turn up the pace like him...we got a contender with the former UK Champion..the 20 yr old wunderkind...Tyler Hate but that's a thread for another day.