News stories and what cops say is always misleading..I'm surprised people still run with news narratives without doing their own research.
And you posted a video and title without having an opinion of your own? You just posted it without watching it or something?
Come on my good brother
Do you not believe that there was a jewish man stabbed in New York

Do yall not believe he screamed "Free Palestine" while he was doing the stabbing? Well i put "allegedly" because I personally am not sure if thats true. And even in the news clip they say allegedly.
And lastly,I put my actual opinion in the very first post in the thread lol

On a scale of 1 to 10,this is a 0 in terms of misleading or false coli thread titles. But a few people have said this so maybe im missing something. What would yall prefer the thread title be?Because at this point its feeling like deflection from some sort of fancy Jewish A.I techbots