One of those games I was aware of but missed the wave. I got the soundtrack on iTunes off GP though. If it comes out on switch i'm in there
Dreamcast days. Had some classics on there. Anyone try and make their own tags? Had a few I made back in the day.
Future was trash bruh, not even worthy of thrash status. It's trash on the floor that didn't make it actually into the trash til somebody came behind to place it in one
They were giving away for free on STEAM about a year ago. You never know when you'll catch it on sale. It's well worth playing.
And Piranha is sill the GOAT character IMO.
(Gum is also up there)
This would be my dream game announcement
It's why I love Sunset Overdive so much. It's still probably my favorite game this gen. Closest thing to a JSR sequel we are gonna get. If you like JSR you gotta play Sunset.
Not going to happen
Closest we will get and I'm not interested in this