Why are you spotlighting that sentence?
Is Jesse Williams NOT biracial? and you Coli brand of militants are the ones who want to separate biracial people from black people when 8 times out of 10 if you see a biracial person and a light skinned black person on the street you won't be able to tell who's who. A J. Cole clone could have two black parents. Halle Berry could have two black parents. A Beyonce clone can be biracial. A Chris Brown clone can be biracial.you non blacks really expose yourselves when you automatically equate light skin to being biracial
Nina did tooFrederick Douglass had a white wife it's all good
Great ratings stunt created by BET. Black people will eat this up.
Nothing will change.
You can be but you'll forever get the side eye. You cant be THAT pro black and not want whats in the center of being pro black, the black family.oh boy...here comes round 2 of the "can you be pro-black w/a white wife or girlfriend" national discussion
we just had this with jordan peele
That was some real spit. I can pick up what the brotha is putting down
Sounded like he was bout to lead the revolution. He ready to.