Jesse Knows that even though Obama is the temporary Leader of the Most Powerful Nation on the Earth today, there are something that are best accomplish by a bottom up approach or Obama risk alienating his base and loosing all support. No President Stand alone, even when they know what needs doing and that it is right and just. Presidents are first and foremost Politicians and live and die by the polls of popularity and consent.
Obama is not a Malcolm or Martin who lead by Moral Suasion but a Politician who must test which way the winds of popularity opinion are blowing first before they make a decision.
So to Jesse I say, Make him...... just as how Martin and the Civil Rights Movement made Johnson do It
Jesse is great he has Agitate and Organize and has some Institutions use them to make him do it by fostering and creating moral pressure around the issue and like Roosevelt he will gladly sign on the dotted line.....All politician like do do those things when the wind is in their favor
One of the most oft-cited incidents from FDR’s presidency is a policy meeting he held with labor leaders shortly after his election, which he concluded by telling them “I agree with you, I want to do it, now make me do it.” Did Roosevelt ever actually say those words? Who knows? Like Washington and his cherry tree, what matters is why we tell the story and what it says about how we view the man in question. FDR understood that regardless of what he personally believed, change had to happen from the bottom up, not just from the top down. He was a bold leader who was never afraid to take on a fight as long as he had the American people on his side. If we stop assuming that politicians will simply deliver progress without our involvement or that the process of policymaking is out of our hands once our votes are cast, then we might start to see elections in a very different light.
Keeping Them Honest: What Politicians Say vs. What We Make Them Do | Roosevelt Institute
Black leaders tried to keep Obama on his toes and he told them to STOP complaining...this was back in 2011
Maxine Waters even said she didn't know who in the hell he was talking to and found his comments to be "curious"
since then hispanics and gays (who were riding his ass too) have gotten everything they want
Barack Obama speech reopens rift with black critics - Joseph Williams
I need the Obama quote because I do not know for sure if Maxine Walters is being entirely rhetorical or straight forward when she says " she does not know who Obama is talking to"?
It comes back to my initial post......We Must Make Him DO IT.
Fight for it, March for it.......Make the issue of Black Unemployment the conversation at every table or shop in how the gays and Hispanics did for there issue
If you read the quote in the my Initial Post about what FDR allegedly said then you will understand that you must force the hand of the President or as Ferderick Douglas once said " Power concedes nothing without a fight"
I hear you but bruh.....he basically told black folks to STFU
and this was in a room full of black people that America elected into those positions, a lot of them black Americans elected
so when you tell them to stop complaining, whining, and do some work then turn around and give hispanics and gays what they want after they pressured you, what's that say? (i'm just asking)
should black folks have done THIS to the first black president!?
I hear you but bruh.....he basically told black folks to STFU
and this was in a room full of black people that America elected into those positions, a lot of them black Americans elected
so when you tell them to stop complaining, whining, and do some work then turn around and give hispanics and gays what they want after they pressured you, what's that say? (i'm just asking)
should black folks have done THIS to the first black president!?
YES.....That's how the game is played - Obama is the President and the Issue is REAL......Pressure or Press ON
In that way everyone would be talking about it and all the points and positions would be aired....Dialogue on the issue would then force Obama to take a stand or run from it
i feel you, trust me I do
but realistically though, black people will not picket and set up outside the white house of the first black president.
that's just not gonna happen fam.
and you best believe, the first gay/female/hispanic president will never be protested outside by their gay/female/hispanic community no matter what