I don't agree that matches "don't matter", but they don't matter as much as some people seem to want them to, especially when it comes to WWE. And anyone who's been watching WWE for years should know that.
The characters and storylines absolutely matter more. Most of these 'serious wrestling fans', I guarantee, probably got into wrestling in the first place because of specific characters and storylines. Unless their first memory of wrestling was a Bob Backlund/Greg Valentine match from 1981, I'd bet it was either Hogan, Warrior, Flair, Savage, or other stars from that era. OR it was the NWO. OR it was the Attitude Era and the Austin/McMahon feud or the Rock's promos... and even if they won't admit it now, a lot of fans in their 20s PROBABLY were Cena fans when they were kids.
And that's not to say the actual matches don't keep it exciting, but without the characters, promos, storylines, etc. to make the matches important, it's just a match. There's bunches of matches I've seen in my lifetime, I've been watching since '87. If I think real hard, I can recall some random matches that aired on TV that stood out. But what I (and most people) remember most are the feuds that culminated in a series of matches or a big match at Mania or whatever. Most of our favorites of all time wouldn't be our favorites if they didn't cut great promos or have characters we enjoyed. Could you imagine Randy Savage just being dope in the ring but not in any other category? He'd probably just remembered as a talented midcarder who never really broke all the way out.