What are my "views" Rhakim? Lol I already asked you to tell me what my views are in the above post, just because we see that you go into these threads with bad faith arguments with one singular postion every single time...doesn't automatically mean I have a viewpoint to "force".
Breh, no one buys those "I'm only asking questions" arguments anymore.

I pointed out exactly where you were lying about what I said. You address that. I have no need to address your obviously false suggestions of objectivity.
Point to a single bad faith argument I've made anywhere in here.
The military hasn't figured it out themselves.
Based on what? As I already pointed out to you, y'all said the EXACT SAME THING about the Navy videos, yet I was able to show clear sources showing the Pentagon didn't feel the videos showed anything unusual and had an exact explanation why.
The video is still passed around by them to this very day. In fact michael cincoski, a marine for that very base spoke on it.
You do realize that "the military" doesn't go in and inform random guys on base what their determinations are, right?

Cincoski said himself that he felt something attached to the housing/lens was most likely, and that the explanation was likely prosaic, not aliens (even though he believes in aliens). That kills the suggestion that anything I'm saying is impossible or that someone with knowledge of the situation would immediately discount it. But besides that, random guys talking about it on the base are no different than us talking about it here. They have no special inside information from the higher ups unless they're in the need-to-know category.
So why did you bring up one military person from the base, and not this one?
Because I don't see random people in the military as wise sages from which we can make Arguments from Authority. I just did that to point out that people were making false claims about what the "real video" showed, and to prove that people with knowledge of the exact systems involved didn't discount the housing arguments the way some of you were trying to.
Notice that by doing that, I bushed the false claims that the video was taken from a Predator, and cast some serious doubt on this unsubstantiated rumor which claims the object entered the water and then shot up out of it. Yet you never address those misstatements. Casts some doubts on your pretend objectivity.
Also, about the spider theory. Is this a spider casing hanging from a web on a housing that is outside? Wouldnt there be sway or moving from this spider dangling from a moving apparatus OUTDOORS and in the sky?
If the web strand is attached to the same housing as the camera, then it would only move exactly where the camera moved. And if the strand got caught on both ends (as strands of any length would tend to do) then it wouldn't have any reason to sway independently of the apparatus, it could be pretty firmly fixed. Or it could be swaying, but slowly enough that the camera operator is just adjusting to it as he attempts to "track" it.