Jeffrey Epstein Commits That


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
I am breaking down the Epstein files to a couple of dozen pages rather then 2000.

This is what I found in the first 300 and it is pretty sick and disturbing.

Link to the file for all the citations provided: Gofile - File sharing platform, anonymous and free - Combined pdf

Page 10 – Maxwell

- more women who got girls for Epstein other then just Maxwell is claimed

- Maxwell ‘primary co-conspirator’.

- Maxwell and Epstein converted Giuffre into a sex slave

- Maxwell appreciated immunity from earlier case.

- Maxwell took photos

- Giuffre was trafficked to “powerful individuals” including internationally by Maxwell and Epstein.

- Forced to have sex with prince Andrew in Maxwell’s apartment. Maxwell acted as a ‘madam’ for Epstein.

- Giuffre was forced to watch other underaged girls have sex with Epstein, Maxwell and others.

Page 12 – 14

- Numerous witness corroborate the statements Giuffre made in her joinder motion

- Witness listed including flight logs, police reports, sex slave books order by Epstein, evidence sent by Maxwell, a black book Epstein had, psychological records, a message pad, hospital records, and named witnesses and depositions.

- Claimed to be forced to have sex with Alan Dershowitz, Jean Luc Brunel, and more including, prominent American politicians, Powerful business executives, Foreign President, well-know prime minister, other world leaders.

Page 15

- After 4 years as a sex slave Giuffre escaped to foreign country and hid for years.

- However, it appears she was with him for two years between 2000-2002 after new evidence emerged.

- Giuffre suggested the government was part of the conspiracy when it secretly negotiated a NPA with Epstein and his co-conspirators. Alleges they did it because it would shin light on powerful individuals.

- Denies she has suggested this and mentions the CVRA Action relates to whether they failed in their responsibilities.


- Other jane doe cannot corroborate Giuffre but both appear to claim to not know each other and the patterns of abuse are similar in many regards.

Page 28

- Giuffre has written a book on the events but not published it.

Page 34

- Giuffre Flew with Epstein at least 32 times between Dec 11 2000 to July 28 2001, and June 21 2002 to august 21 2002.

Page 36

- She worked at the Club at Mar-a-lago sometime in fall 2000 including many other places that year.

- At Mar-a-lago she worked as a “seasonal” spa attendant after turning 17.

- Giuffre disputes this claiming actual dates not listed by mar-a-lago and some records seem to indicate she worked there during the summer.

Page 37

- Giuffre represented herself as a masseuse for Epstein, they met at mar-a-lago. She told her father she got a job for Epstein as a masseuse.

- Her father took her to Epstein’s house at least once, Epstein introduced himself.

- However, Giuffre denies this pointing out that working as a masseur would have been illegal for her to do as a minor with no high school diploma. She claims Maxwell approached her while she was spa attendant. Her father did drive her and Maxwell took her and then taught her how to give massages.

Page 38

- Epstein and Maxwell turned that into a sexual encounter and offered money and better life in return for sexual demands.

- She served people for sex not as a masseur.

- Alessi, Epstein’s house manager, states he would drive Maxwell to places prepared ahead to time to recruit girls.

- Another girl Sjoberg was also recruited.

Page 40

- While one of Epstein’s regular pilots kept logs, Dave Rodgers, Epstein’s had another pilot who did not keep such logs and also traveled by commercial occasionally.

Page 41

- Giuffre flew at least 32 times but claims more

- Maxwell admits the flights logs are incomplete and had multiple pilots with multiple aircraft and only Rodgers kept logs.

Page 42

- Giuffre claims she received $10,000 after being forced to have sex with prince Andrew in London at Maxwell’s home and bought a car with the money.

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Jeffrey Epstein’s neck was broken in multiple places: updated autopsy finds

An updated autopsy of Jeffrey Epstein revealed that he had broken bones in his neck, according to the New York medical examiner.

According to the Washington Post, the bone broken was the hyoid bone, which is often indicative of possible homicide.

“Among the bones broken in Epstein’s neck was the hyoid bone, which in men is near the Adam’s apple. Such breaks can occur in those who hang themselves, particularly if they are older, according to forensics experts and studies on the subject. But they are more common in victims of homicide by strangulation, the experts said.”



God bless Black People!
Nov 18, 2016
Rio De Janeiro, BR

Someone in comments section posted this:


:russ: :deadmanny:


Jun 22, 2012
In the sky
I looked it up when you first posted and simply took it as a person who sympathizes with the ideals and goals of the Jewish State .....
That definition is incorrect though.

A Zionist is someone who believes in the biblical prophecies and doctrine that states that the royal House of David is to rule all nations, and revolves around the building of Solomons Davidic Temple upon the hill of Zion, and the establishment of a priesthood to administer its world empire.

All nations shall bow to its chosen/anointed king, the messiah/christ. He is the King of kings, and divine ruler of the world.
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May 15, 2014
I am breaking down the Epstein files to a couple of dozen pages rather then 2000.

This is what I found in the first 300 and it is pretty sick and disturbing.

Link to the file for all the citations provided: Gofile - File sharing platform, anonymous and free - Combined pdf

Page 10 – Maxwell

- more women who got girls for Epstein other then just Maxwell is claimed

- Maxwell ‘primary co-conspirator’.

- Maxwell and Epstein converted Giuffre into a sex slave

- Maxwell appreciated immunity from earlier case.

- Maxwell took photos

- Giuffre was trafficked to “powerful individuals” including internationally by Maxwell and Epstein.

- Forced to have sex with prince Andrew in Maxwell’s apartment. Maxwell acted as a ‘madam’ for Epstein.

- Giuffre was forced to watch other underaged girls have sex with Epstein, Maxwell and others.

Page 12 – 14

- Numerous witness corroborate the statements Giuffre made in her joinder motion

- Witness listed including flight logs, police reports, sex slave books order by Epstein, evidence sent by Maxwell, a black book Epstein had, psychological records, a message pad, hospital records, and named witnesses and depositions.

- Claimed to be forced to have sex with Alan Dershowitz, Jean Luc Brunel, and more including, prominent American politicians, Powerful business executives, Foreign President, well-know prime minister, other world leaders.

Page 15

- After 4 years as a sex slave Giuffre escaped to foreign country and hid for years.

- However, it appears she was with him for two years between 2000-2002 after new evidence emerged.

- Giuffre suggested the government was part of the conspiracy when it secretly negotiated a NPA with Epstein and his co-conspirators. Alleges they did it because it would shin light on powerful individuals.

- Denies she has suggested this and mentions the CVRA Action relates to whether they failed in their responsibilities.


- Other jane doe cannot corroborate Giuffre but both appear to claim to not know each other and the patterns of abuse are similar in many regards.

Page 28

- Giuffre has written a book on the events but not published it.

Page 34

- Giuffre Flew with Epstein at least 32 times between Dec 11 2000 to July 28 2001, and June 21 2002 to august 21 2002.

Page 36

- She worked at the Club at Mar-a-lago sometime in fall 2000 including many other places that year.

- At Mar-a-lago she worked as a “seasonal” spa attendant after turning 17.

- Giuffre disputes this claiming actual dates not listed by mar-a-lago and some records seem to indicate she worked there during the summer.

Page 37

- Giuffre represented herself as a masseuse for Epstein, they met at mar-a-lago. She told her father she got a job for Epstein as a masseuse.

- Her father took her to Epstein’s house at least once, Epstein introduced himself.

- However, Giuffre denies this pointing out that working as a masseur would have been illegal for her to do as a minor with no high school diploma. She claims Maxwell approached her while she was spa attendant. Her father did drive her and Maxwell took her and then taught her how to give massages.

Page 38

- Epstein and Maxwell turned that into a sexual encounter and offered money and better life in return for sexual demands.

- She served people for sex not as a masseur.

- Alessi, Epstein’s house manager, states he would drive Maxwell to places prepared ahead to time to recruit girls.

- Another girl Sjoberg was also recruited.

Page 40

- While one of Epstein’s regular pilots kept logs, Dave Rodgers, Epstein’s had another pilot who did not keep such logs and also traveled by commercial occasionally.

Page 41

- Giuffre flew at least 32 times but claims more

- Maxwell admits the flights logs are incomplete and had multiple pilots with multiple aircraft and only Rodgers kept logs.

Page 42

- Giuffre claims she received $10,000 after being forced to have sex with prince Andrew in London at Maxwell’s home and bought a car with the money.

Good one. Kat on reddit has a similar write up on like the first 400 pages.


Jun 7, 2012
That's how they initiate you.

I wouldn't be surprised if our phones spy on us 24/7 now.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Facebook Inc. has been paying hundreds of outside contractors to transcribe clips of audio from users of its services, according to people with knowledge of the work.

The work has rattled the contract employees, who are not told where the audio was recorded or how it was obtained -- only to transcribe it, said the people, who requested anonymity for fear of losing their jobs. They’re hearing Facebook users’ conversations, sometimes with vulgar content, but do not know why Facebook needs them transcribed, the people said.

Facebook confirmed that it had been transcribing users’ audio and said it will no longer do so, :obama: following scrutiny into other companies. “Much like Apple and Google, we paused human review of audio more than a week ago,” the company said Tuesday. The company said the users who were affected chose the option in Facebook’s Messenger app to have their voice chats transcribed. The contractors were checking whether Facebook’s artificial intelligence correctly interpreted the messages, which were anonymized.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Broken Bones in his neck.... WASN'T NO fukkING SUICIDE!!!:mjtf::martin::what:


Autopsy finds broken bones in Jeffrey Epstein’s neck, deepening questions around his death

An autopsy found that financier Jeffrey Epstein sustained multiple breaks in his neck bones, according to two people familiar with the findings, deepening the mystery about the circumstances around his death.

Among the bones broken in Epstein’s neck was the hyoid bone, which in men is near the Adam’s apple. Such breaks can occur in those who hang themselves, particularly if they are older, according to forensics experts and studies on the subject. But they are more common in victims of homicide by strangulation, the experts said.

The details are the first findings to emerge from the autopsy of Epstein, a convicted sex offender and multimillionaire in federal custody on charges of sex trafficking. He died early Saturday morning after guards found him hanging in his cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan and he could not be revived.

Attorney General William P. Barr, whose department oversees the Bureau of Prisons facility where Epstein died, has described his death as an “apparent suicide.” Justice officials declined to comment on the new information from Epstein’s autopsy.

The office of New York City’s chief medical examiner, Barbara Sampson, completed an autopsy of Epstein’s body Sunday. But Sampson listed the cause of his death as pending.

Sampson’s office did not comment on the injuries found in the autopsy.

The details add to the bizarre circumstances surrounding Epstein’s death, which have launched a wave of questions and conspiracy theories about how he could have died in federal custody. Even President Trump has egged on speculation, without evidence, that Epstein — whose alleged victims say they were pushed to have sex with his powerful and celebrity friends — might have been killed to keep him from spilling the secrets of others.

The revelation of Epstein’s neck injuries follows reports that officers at the Metropolitan Correctional Center broke protocol and failed to properly monitor him.

Corrections officers had not checked on Epstein for “several” hours before he was found hanging in his cell, a person familiar with the matter said, one of a series of missteps in the hours leading up to his death.

Veteran prosecutors and law enforcement officials were shocked that one of the most high-profile inmates in the country wasn’t more carefully watched. Barr said over the weekend he was “appalled” at serious “irregularities” in jail protocol, and later transferred the jail warden to another facility.

People familiar with the autopsy, who spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the sensitive stage of the investigation, said Sampson’s office is seeking additional information on Epstein’s condition in the hours before his death. That could include video evidence of the jail hallways, which may establish whether anyone entered Epstein’s cell during the night he died; results of a toxicology screening to determine if there was any unusual substance in his body; and interviews with guards and inmates who were near his cell.

Jonathan L. Arden, president of the National Association of Medical Examiners, said a hyoid can be broken in many circumstances, but is more commonly associated with homicidal strangulation than suicidal hanging.

Arden, who was not involved in the Epstein autopsy, said that in general, a finding of a broken hyoid requires pathologists to conduct more extensive investigation. That investigation can include analysis of the location of the noose, how narrow the noose is, and if the body experienced any substantial drop in the course of the hanging.

The age of the deceased is also important, Arden said. The hyoid starts out as three small bones with joint-like connections but hardens during middle age into a u-shape that can break more easily.

“If, hypothetically, the hyoid bone is broken, that would generally raise questions about strangulation, but it is not definitive and does not exclude suicidal hanging,” he said.

A handful of studies conducted over the past decade have produced conflicting results about the likelihood of a hyoid break in a suicide. In a study of 20 suicidal hangings in Thailand, published in 2010, one fourth of the men who hanged themselves had broken hyoids. In a larger study of suicidal hangings of young-adults and middle-aged people in India, conducted from 2010 to 2013, hyoid damage was found in just 16 of 264 cases, or six percent. The study addressed the discrepancies in academic reviews, saying wide variations in findings of hyoid breaks are “possibly due to factors like age of the victim, weight of the victim, type of suspension and height of suspension.”

Hyoid fractures have previously sparked controversy in jailhouse and other contentious deaths.

In 2008, Ronnie L. White, a teenager accused of killing a police officer, died of an apparent suicide in a suburban Washington jail cell. But two days later, the cause of death was changed to homicide when a Maryland state medical examiner discovered the teen had a broken hyoid.

The incident fanned racial tension and fueled conspiracy theories about the suspect’s death in Prince George’s County, Md.

Medical examiners concluded White was probably strangled with a sheet, towel or “crux of the elbow.” The officer who moved his body pleaded guilty to obstruction. But no one was ever charged in White’s death. A federal judge said in 2013 that it remained a mystery whether the inmate was slain or took his own life.

The hyoid bone played a central role in a heated dispute last year over another high-profile death in New York, that of Eric Garner. A New York police officer was accused of using an improper chokehold while trying to arrest Garner and of causing his death. A police officers’ association claimed that an autopsy from Sampson’s office found there was no break of Garner’s hyoid bone, and that this proved that the officer could not have strangled Garner and caused his death.

This “demonstrates conclusively that Mr. Garner did not die of strangulation of the neck from a chokehold,” the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association said.

But Sampson rejected that claim, saying she stood by her conclusion that Garner died of “compression of neck (chokehold), compression of chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police.” Sampson’s office said Garner’s bronchial asthma, obesity and high blood pressure were contributing factors.

In a widely circulated video of the 2014 incident, the officer was seen grabbing Garner around the neck, pushing him and his face into the pavement. Garner is overheard pleading several times: “I can’t breathe.”

Two weeks later, Sampson’s office concluded the officer’s actions were the primary cause of his death.
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